Stupid question: RTT sitting outside in the cold, risk of mold?


I just did a week spring break at Utah and i'm sure there's a bit of condensation in there after I packed it up. I got back in freezing temps and so far Spring hasn't shown up in Minnesota. I don't really feel like opening it up, we just had some snow this morning, the truck is just sitting on the driveway.

So this may be a stupid question but I really have no experience with dealing with molds and don't want to. Do i have any risk of mold forming in the tent?


I would say no, as long as you remain below freezing. One day above though, and the answer changes to yes, absolutely.

Open and dry it ASAP. I recently went a week with mine closed up after a rainy trip and it took some significant work to eradicate the mildew/mold that formed inside.

As a side note, now I know why Lysol is scented... the original concentrates smell horrible.


You for sure have a threat of mold even if it's cold. I've dealt with wall tents of all material types, even treated to be mold resistant,and they can mold whether being used or not regardless of temp.


thanks, we do have a 50deg weather this wednesday but these past few days had been freezing and slightly over 30s. I will open it up and take out the beddings. We getting snow/rain again -- when will this stop!!!


Hillbilly of Leisure
I find it's easiest to use a heater to dry out a roof top tent. A propane Mr. Buddy heater or equivalent will be just fine if you aren't sleeping in it. Open it, warm it to 70º for a couple of hours...and put it away! Make sure you don't set it on fire though.

Much better than checking the forecast for two weeks while waiting to take care of a wet tent. :)

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