Street Wolf
Try unplugging the MAF, and running that way. It will run without the MAF just fine. Just DO NOT use more than ~1/2 throttle like that, to be safe. It runs based on the TPS sensor and a look-up table for load values. I drove around with no MAF for a week. The reason I say not to go full throttle, is that below 1/2, the O2's will keep the A/F at 14.7. If you go over half, it'll probably go open-loop, then you're purely running on those look up tables, which were programmed by the engineers in Solihull for who know what barometric pressure and... it's complicated. Just avoid it.
The reason I suggest this, is that when my MAF failed, the truck ran fine. But mine totally failed. I had the P0102 code, my sensor was pegged low, so the computer just ignored it altogether. If your sensor is giving bad readings, but not so bad the computer is ignoring it, that might cause your problems. Unplugging it will eliminate the confusing signals, and let it run on the TPS look-up tables. If it actually runs better with no MAF, then I'd say that's your problem.
Alright, thanks. Exactly what I was looking for. I very rarely go over half throttle in the Disco anyways, so it won't be a problem. I suppose the best way for me to diagnose it as being the MAF would be to unplug it when I park in the evening so that I can see if it stutters in the morning like it has been lately. Since that seems to be really the only occurrence aside from the rough idle slip-up the other day.