Submit your offroad or National Park picture


So the first day my photo shows up and guess what? I get an email from Sanpete County asking to use my photo on their site. Maybe I'll let em', I don't know. Kinda cool.


WOW! That is really cool. There are now a total of about 80+ people subscribing to all the feeds. I guess the right person was looking. :)

Bad Voodoo

Unassuming Superhero


Tim and Kelsey get lost..
pwc said:
WOW! That is really cool. There are now a total of about 80+ people subscribing to all the feeds. I guess the right person was looking. :)

Woohoo! One of my pics went up and on my birthday no less!! :friday:


Tim, I swear I didn't make that happen on purpose, but it's pretty cool! And thanks for the submissions, you'll see them this week!


It another week and time for another Focus of the Day feed! This week we are launching a Nepal feed. Look for some exciting content including images from current and past expeditions in the country as well as engaging photographs of the people and culture that stir the wanderlust in most of us.

If you use a feed reader, click here to subscribe.
If want the daily photos emailed to you, click here to subscribe.

If you have images from Nepal you'd like to share, please submit them at this link. And don't forget to check out the other feeds from Focus of the Day; National Parks, Random and 4x4s in Action.


Focus of the Day - 4x4s in Action International Week

Starting next Monday and lasting all week, Focus of the Day - 4x4s in Action will feature a different photo from around the world. Adventure to Namibia, Jordan, Sri Lanka, New Zealand and more on this week long journey to far off lands.

Sign up now to ensure you don't miss out on the fun and exciting content!

Subscribe in a Feed Reader

Receive Feed in Daily Emails


New Focus of the Day Feed - IRELAND


It another week and time for another Focus of the Day feed! This week we are launching an Ireland feed. We'll be featuring a number of images from Kim and I as well as other guest content. Can you tell I'm getting a travel bug itch?

If you use a feed reader, click here to subscribe.
If want the daily photos emailed to you, click here to subscribe.

If you have images from Ireland you'd like to share, please submit them at this link. And don't forget to check out the other feeds from Focus of the Day; National Parks, Nepal, Random and 4x4s in Action.

Please forward on to anyone who may have an interest in receiving daily photos from Ireland.


Thanks for the attempts. The site is undergoing some renovations to things like, uhhh, the submit button. :) To be honest, I've let it go a little this summer while I've been out and about and recentering my activities.

Focus of the Day will reappear on September 8th. 4x4s in Action will still be on hold while I add more content. The first to start back up on the 8th are National Parks, Nepal and Random.

Thanks for your patience and for attempting to send in some photos!!


In the mean time, it's easiest to submit photos by emailing me directly at
peter at focusoftheday dott com


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