Suburban from Russia


Hey, guys! I'd like to tell you the story about my Truck. Sorry for my English (Thanks for Google Translator!)
One year ago, I had the desire to buy a true American truck - Suburban. I wanted it to be a vehicle for real mens. And I began to look for. In Russia trucks 8th generation very little. Аnd to find a truck that runs very well much harder. And this is all very rusty. Buy a truck and take it from USA or Europa is impossible. Because for trucks older than 20 years of very expensive custom duty - 45000 $. It's a Russian laws. I was looking for more than 3 months. And in the spring of 2012 I found a 88 GMC Suburban Sierra Classic 6,2. Burb 5 years standing in the neighboring country of Belarus. The engine was disassembled, but the body was good. In vehicles of Belarus we can drive without customs duties. I took the money and went to watch. From Moscow to Minsk is 800km.
in Minsk, I saw this:

I saw under the hood of the engine without the valve covers.

Interior was covered with thick dirty artificial fur.

It was awful!!!
So I bought it!
In Minsk, I found a man who said he'll repaire my Suburban and I pulled it to his garage. He promised to make repairs for 3 weeks. I gave to him the money for repairs and went to Moscow.
When the last 3 months, I began to worry! I called him and he said that it works, but it is very difficult and needs more time.
After 4 months, I went to Minsk. In the garage, I saw my Suburban, he was covered with dust. I realized that no repairs have not yet been!
I began to make the repaire myself. Man on the phone said that the compression of the diesel is good. I had 2 days in the valve cover. 1 day I put Stanadayn and fuel lines. Batteries, electrical - 1 more day. That night I slept in Suburbane. To sleep, I removed all of the interior fur. After that I was dirty as a pig!
6 days later I tried to start the diesel. From morning to evening. At evening the Starter told me: "I'm dead!" In the Minsk is not a workshop for repairing Trucks starters. I remove it, I got to the highway, stopped a passing car and went to Moscow for repair.
The next day I came home, I was dirty, smelly and in my hand was the starter. But my wife did not kill me. She was silent. I wish she killed me! On the next day I was in Minsk with rebuilding starter.
But Diesel was dead. He did not want to run!
In the evening I asked the master, is it true that he tested compression? He silently gave me gauge. We have checked the compression. I understand why the diesel does not want to run. 10-12 br!!!
It's a dead end! I had a dream to go with my family to the summer trip on new Suburban. But Suburban told me: "I want to rebuilding a diesel!" And we was to 800km from Home!
I left the Suburban and went home. In the journey, we went on the another car.
to be continued
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I love the translated words.

I;m sure you will be able to find a petrol V8?

I can't to rite the big text in English. Sorry one more :sombrero:
At school I studied German. I studied English myself, and write in English very bad.
But my history is very long! And I need anybody help me.
The Google is my helper! :victory:
Tell me pls, is the Google bed helper? When I read my text I think it look not so bad. Sometimes I write myself or correct the Google.
About petrol V8. No. I like diesel. I'm sure the truck mast to be diesel!
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Thanks! I'll try to write without Google.
My store is not end! I bought the diesel here:
200$ and 1700$ is shipping to Minsk. 3 months I was waiting the container. And when I saw it I was happy!
I opened the container and saw it:

But what is this paper?

Oh, my got!
I removed hand from engine and saw this:

What do you think about my filling?
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Expedition Leader
Welcome to the Expo website Valyidol. I think it will be much easier for you to find a gas/petrol engine for your truck and then install that one. Everything should bolt up quite easily. If you do want to buy a diesel engine you will be looking at a more expensive engine. Also make sure that you buy from a company that is willing to guarantee that the motor is in good working order and that they will replace it if it does not work. As you live in Russia and so far away from the USA you will be paying lots of money for shipping. Good luck with your Surburban...:) P.S. we can all understand your English.


Welcome to the Expo website Valyidol. I think it will be much easier for you to find a gas/petrol engine for your truck and then install that one. Everything should bolt up quite easily. If you do want to buy a diesel engine you will be looking at a more expensive engine. Also make sure that you buy from a company that is willing to guarantee that the motor is in good working order and that they will replace it if it does not work. As you live in Russia and so far away from the USA you will be paying lots of money for shipping. Good luck with your Surburban...:) P.S. we can all understand your English.
Thanks! I don't bay cheap diesel any more! I hope I will not be so stupid now!
Diesel from auction had 5 pistons with large holes. But sleeves was very good! It was not so bad!
I need to bay new pistons and rings! And now helped me!
300$ pistons 175$ rings 150$ shipping. 2 weeks later I had the parts.
But already winter came and a lot of snow.
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At winter I installed the new pistons. Now I need to connect the fuel pipes and electrical. And
(I hope)
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I admire your persistance with this project. When a man knows what he wants, he knows what he wants! I say keep working at it. I assume diesel is your engine of choice for reasons we don't see here in the states such as registration taxes and fuel taxes.

Good luck with your project, I'm looking forward to seeing a completed Russian version of an American classic.

Also, good choice on the fur removal. That stuff was terrible!


I love the shaggy carpet interior, very 60's for Americans!! Looks like a heck of a project I hope it goes eaiser for you now.

Я люблю лохматые интерьер ковер, очень 60-х годов для американцев! Похоже, чертовски проект, я надеюсь, что он идет легче для вас сейчас.


Expedition Leader
I read the post about yours campers too! :victory: what size of wills there? 33"?
Wheels are 35 inch. Here is a pic...


I love this old Chevy....:wings:


New member
Перевод Гугля совсем неплохо получается. А если тебе нужен человеческий перевод, то не стесняйся, это моя работа. Касательно субурбана, меха редко блин получается в машине. У белорусов странный вкус (?).

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