Suburban from Russia



sorry to hear about your headaches.

but keeping on the diesel road no matter what obstacles you encounter? wow. respect.

good luck with the build!


Thank you everybody for your kind words!
I visit to the ExPo one year. I like yours forum!
I hope to make my truck run very soon. And go on it in the summer trip! And then I want to make off-road trailer. But step-by-step....


I love the shaggy carpet interior, very 60's for Americans!! Looks like a heck of a project I hope it goes eaiser for you now.

Я люблю лохматые интерьер ковер, очень 60-х годов для американцев! Похоже, чертовски проект, я надеюсь, что он идет легче для вас сейчас.
Do you love the shaggy carpet interior? You did not see my interior when it was shaggy!
Google translation into Russian is very funny too!


Wheels are 35 inch. Here is a pic...

I love this old Chevy....:wings:

I understand you! I also love our trucks!

Now I'll ride on the 33" wheels. I'll make the 2" lift body. Did you lift suspension or body?


Перевод Гугля совсем неплохо получается. А если тебе нужен человеческий перевод, то не стесняйся, это моя работа. Касательно субурбана, меха редко блин получается в машине. У белорусов странный вкус (?).
Привет! Безумно приятно встретить здесь соплеменника! Почему-то я не нашел пост про твою машину.
По поводу Гугла, он, действительно неплохо работает. Но если тупо копировать его перевод, то получается немного коряво. (ИМХО). Поэтому его я тоже немного правлю. А вообще у меня сложились странные отношения с английским. В школе изучал немецкий (вообще уже ничего не помню), в институте занимались французским (у меня первое образование театральное), а в жизни пришлось общаться по-английски (несколько раз ездили в Штаты на гастроли). И если устно я более-менее могу объясняться, то писать меня вообще никто не учил! Но с покупкой Субурбана стал практиковаться и как-то мне это стало нравиться!
Здесь я написал сокращенный вариант своей истории. Если интересно, почитай здесь. Все намного круче!
Кстати, буду благодарен за ссылки на форумы по GM тракам, или просто 4х4. А то я пытался завести посты на, а там это только за $. Еще какой-то GM форум тоже оказался платным.
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sorry to hear about your headaches.

but keeping on the diesel road no matter what obstacles you encounter? wow. respect.

good luck with the build!

Thank you!
I said to myself, "You mast to do it! " And I love diesel engine! All my cars is diesel.


Do you love the shaggy carpet interior? You did not see my interior when it was shaggy!
Google translation into Russian is very funny too!

No I was making a joke, that furry shaggy stuff is the worst thing I have ever seen and like you it would have been the first thing to be taken out. I cant wait to see how it turns out.


No I was making a joke, that furry shaggy stuff is the worst thing I have ever seen and like you it would have been the first thing to be taken out. I cant wait to see how it turns out.
Interior will be waiting. I just removed the shaggy carpet. First I need to run a diesel and ride to Moscow. I have a plan to do this in May. After that I'll make the truck for the trip.
Did I say right? I hope than you understand me.


Hi! I'm here again!
At the May holidays, I repaired my truck. Oh my god! How much of small parts! 2 days I was getting to start of my Engine. On the 3 day I made first start. The starter worked but the engine was silent. Glow plugs relay didn't work too. I also heard the creak of metal. What is it? Than I used Fast Start. Yes! The diesel has shown that he is alive! It said to me, "puff-puff". But work without Fast Start it didn't want.
I took a plastic hose and checked the fuel line. I saw bubbles. I strongly tightened the clamps and the bubbles are gone. The diesel was silent. Fast Start. Yes! It's started. Next start without Fast Start. Yes! I danced for joy.
Now I'll collect from the iron LEGO large truck.
PS The creak of metal remained. Somebody knows what is it?
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New member
Not sure what your using for Fast Start but Ether is bad for diesels. I was told to use a little WD40 if neccesary and its worked for me in the past. Also your engine seems to turn over really slow, that could be your starting problem. Are you running 2 batteries ?


Yes I know that Fast Start is bad for diesel but I had no choice. WD-40? I'll tray to do it. Yes I running 2 batteries but I think that they are not good. If you sow I used starting machine. Why my engine turn over so slow? I don't understand. And what is this creak?


200 RPM is at least what you need to start well. Starting machine might not have enough amps or some connections are not clean. Not sure on the noise. Hard to tell without being there, maybe the transmission dust cover rubbing something. You said the glow plug relay was not working so ether would not be the worst then, still not great though. When your glow plugs do start working do not put ether in it.


Hy! I've missed for you! :victory:
I spent the next weekend with my friend Suburban.
Well, I did it! My Suburban told me "hello boss"!
Do you ask me "why could not you do it before?" And I reply, "just air". The air that we need to live. The air did not give the life for my diesel. What a strange life!
A lot of the time I lost to put the Alternator, Stirring pump, and the A/C pump. Because I din't know how it should be. But now:

Intake manifold from old diesel was broke. And I build it from HUMVEE intake.

When was raining I was working under a tent

It's old cantry house where I sleeped.

And this is my bed.
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Anybody knows what fuel pump is better electrical or mechanical? First I would like to leave only electrical but my friends said that mechanical is better.

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