Sunday Afternoon Drive to Harquahala Peak 4.28.24


Expedition Leader
Back in April after recently moving back to Arizona I made a spur of the moment trip on Sunday afternoon visit the highest point in SW Arizona - Harquahala (5,681 ft) to see the views, relieve some boredom and visit the old observatory that sits at the summit (radio station as well).

Starting up the trail.

Summit is in the background where the cloud is starting to peak over.

View of the trail ahead.

This final section of the trail was the narrowest and had some rockfall.

Old observatory - most of the verbiage on the signs they had around had more of less baked off over the years in the Arizona sun.


Expedition Leader
Road up and the vista beyond (looking some what S/SE).

View from the summit.

Spent a little time of the summit taking in the views, enjoying some cooler temperatures and trying to stay away from the Jeep group at the top before heading back home.

Near the bottom of the trail I just barely caught this Gila Monster as it made its way across the road - very cool.

Not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon. At some point I need to head back to check out an old mine in the area that I didn't realize was there.
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Well-known member
Belated welcome to AZ!

And thats not just a lizard — it’s a Gila Monster. You were lucky to see one, they are not that commonly spotted. I’ve been here 37 years and only seen 3 and I get out in the desert a lot.


Expedition Leader
Belated welcome to AZ!

And thats not just a lizard — it’s a Gila Monster. You were lucky to see one, they are not that commonly spotted. I’ve been here 37 years and only seen 3 and I get out in the desert a lot.

Corrected. Thanks. Forgot the name of it.


Thanks for the trip report and excellent photos! Another spot I visited a few times years ago but probably haven't visited in 25 years now.....

Todd Z.

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