Superselect Lights not working


The last time I was out and about my superselect lights all stopped working,when previously they al worked,so I doubt it is all the bulbs blowing at once. The fuse is perfect because my O/D works.

I think it must have been when I locked the rear diff for the 1st time in 4wd. I recently put in a locker,and I noticed that there was a connector on the rear left chassis rail that fits the connector on the axle,mine was all blocked up with muck so I cut,stripped soldered and heatshrinked the wires together,I thought this was for the rear diff light on the superselct indicators on the dash,but when I locked the diff it did nothing. However I hadn't tested it in 4wd,so I'm guessing the two are related. Is it a case that I've busted the control box for the lights,by giving it a strange input,or is it that the one for the locker equipped cars is different to the ones without a locker?

I usually wouldn't mind something like this,but the other day I didn't know it hadn't disengaged the centre diff and wound up my transmission,hurting a CV joint pretty badly

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