you will probably get hooked on it. keep in mind there is nothing bad about getting hooked on something that will keep you in shape and make you enjoy nature more!
This is what I learned about surfing last winter....I spent a lot of time in Mexico & CA learning to surf. I would say I still can't really surf but....
I learned it is much different than many of the other board sports I have done. Other than there is a board under your feet it is not like skate boarding or snow boarding or even wind surfing. Surfing to me, seems much more about time spent with nature than other board sports. Even compared to back country snowboarding.
It takes a lot of effort to get a wave and then it may be 5-10 seconds of fun. Rinse and repeat. Back country snowboarding is the closest I have found to it out of the board sports. Study snow conditions, check avalanche danger and go. Surfing is more about where are the waves breaking, how does tide affect it, what is the wind doing, what is the temp at, is it a full moon or close to it?
The first most important thing I learned was do not be intimidated by the ocean. Your surf board is your life vest. Once you get over the waves crashing down on you and the intimidation of the ocean it is much easier to focus on actually standing up on a wave. Being in the water as the sun comes up or sets...well, nothing like it in this world that I have found.
Agree on the getting hooked part...I find myself hooked though because of all the science that goes with surfing. Understanding and knowing the ocean and all that comes with that. That is what got me hooked. I suppose once I actually know how to catch every wave and ride it out the thrill of being on waves may be the element I am hooked on.