Getting near end of project and looking for suspension suggestions.
I'm located in Colorado, US. Obvious answer would be Alcan, will not be going that route.
Any suggestions?
What is the question?
Is the existing suspension worn out/damaged? Your clearance and angles look good for most situations. If the suspension needs renewal I'd probably go for OEM.
Do you want more load-carrying capability (in which case will you have to re-license for a greater GVM)? In that case then I'd look to find out whether OME or Dobinson's (for example) offer a suspension upgrade.
As I eluded to... we have stupid rules here, one being that the entry door for a camper must be on the passenger's side or at the rear.
WIthout getting into whether it's a good idea, do you know (SkiFreak) how this works with visiting vehicles. My recollection is that as long as the vehicle is legal where it's registered it's OK in Australia, if visiting, however... I can imagine that something as evident as a door on the "wrong" side might attract police attention.