Man, there A LOT of really nice zuk's in this thread. A lot of Sammis and they are indeed quite tough, but I wish there were more Trackicks. Here is mine. Mostly stock, but I have added a couple of things:
90 Amp GM Alternator
Power Windows (dont laugh)
Calmini Roof Rack
Rocky Road Super Sliders 14.5" Heavy Duty Off Road LED Light Bar - 72W
Fabbed Center Arm Rest
Car PC running RoadRunner
Admittedly, I use the Tracker for weekend outings more than true Expeditions. I am nearly always pulling a trailer with two quads loaded when we go out. The Tracker absolutely amazes me with what it will pull that trailer through. We like to get as far into the desert as we can, set up a base camp, then quad for a couple of days. A little fishing, a little prospecting, and some hot dirty trails.
I don't have hardly any action shots because I am usually the driver and the camera operator, lol. But I am quite proud of where my Tracker takes me.
Camping in a dry wash at the base of the Estrella Mountains. We don't use established camp grounds, not our style.
A too long video of the Tracker on the first leg of the journey to the camp area. The camera is attached to the side of the trailer behind the Tracker.
Tracker pulling Quad Trailer at Camp Chili - YouTube
A little video crossing a small ravine on the way there.
Tracker pulling 2 quad trailer in desert - YouTube
Camping at the Rolls OHV Area near Four Peaks.
(didnt get many shots of the tracker)
Trail on the way there pulling the quad trailer behind me.
At the top of a peak at Boulder OHV area near Phoenix. That's Lake Pleasant in the background.
Another view from the peak
Photobucket of the Boulder trip, not many tracker pics but there was a small herd of wild horses.
Boulder Tracker Trip Photos by dongle80 | Photobucket
Zukapalooza 2013
(Annual outing with the Zuks of Arizona club, a hardy bunch of Sidekick, Tracker and Samurai drivers)
I am pretty sure that is DonD from this forum in the blue Trackick behind mine.
Photobucket with more tracker pics and the full Zukapaloosa outing:
Zukapalooza 2013 Photos by dongle80 | Photobucket
A shot of light switches mounted in the console with a corner of the PC Monitor showing.
I love my Tracker, lol.