Synthetic Winch Rope - 2K Winch


I have a Champion 2k winch

Specs say it comes with 49 feet of 5/32" steel cable

I would like to covert the winch to use synthetic rope

I'm ok with lose length if I can go with a tad thicker rope

If it holds 49 feet, what length rope should I go with and what diameter should I use?


Thr roller fairlead has a 4-1/4" bolt spacing mount

I haven't seen a synthetic winch fairlead in this size


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A roller fairlead can work fine with synthetic winch line, as long as the rollers haven’t been scarred by wire rope. Here’s a good video by Robert Pepper explaining how he preps a roller fairlead for working with synthetic line and why he prefers roller fairleads. If your rollers have ever been used with wire rope you should likely replace them before installing synthetic line.

If I was rigging a synthetic line on your 2000 lb winch for frequent use I’d use Samson Rope’s Amsteel Blue line. Figuring a 4:1 working load limit factor (provides for a reasonable amount of wear and tear with use) suggests 1/4 or 5/16” line. I’d probably use 5/16” as I like the feel of thicker line. Splice a closed loop with tubular webbing (get at REI or somewhere else) as a chafe guard on the working end. As far as the amount that will fit on your winch it’s hard to say but I’d start with the same length as your wire rope plus the amount needed for the splice (check Samson’s website for splicing instructions). Then I’d spool new line on the winch before splicing to see how much fits (leaving space for line to pile up on one side when your pull isn’t straight).

When you buy the synthetic line, get twice as much as you think you need and splice the remainder with loops at each end for an extension line,

As a reality check you might compare the cost of replacing the rollers on your existing fairlead or getting a new fairlead (whichever style you decide) and buying new synthetic line etc with the cost of buying a new winch already set up for synthetic line.



I would rather have a thicker rope and a shorter length

I honestly have never needed more than 25 feet


I will inspect the rollers today for any marring that would affect the reliability of rope


5/32" is 4.00 MM thick

I have 49' of this cable currently

1/4" is 6.35 MM thick

5/16" is 7.93 MM thick

3/8" is 9.52 MM thick

So 5/16" looks to be a good option as it's nearly twice as thick as my current steel cable
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The current roller fairlead has some rust and burrs

I'm going to take each roller off and see how well they will polish and clean up


This one has a 4.30" (109MM) bolt hole spacing......I'm going to measure again today to see if this would be an option

Yes this one will fit.....just need to enlarge the winch plate mounting holes 2MM each. Simple modification

I just order the Super ATV fairlead

Now onto finding a rope and what size and length will fit......even if I have to order a 50' piece and cut it down to fit the winch spool
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I ordered 5/16" thick rope in a 50' length

I'm hoping to be able to spool 30 feet on the drum......hopefully it arrives this week along with the new fairlead


When you spool line onto the drum you might consider filling it to where the spooled line just clears those spacer bars running across the top of the drum, then remove two layers of line and call that a “full” drum. This leaves space for line to pile up on one side of the drum when a pull is off to one side. I once filled a drum completely with line & was very proud of myself for getting 150’ of line on a drum rated for 90’. Then I had a hard pull extracting my truck from a rising creek and completely jammed the line under one side of those bars. Even backing up with the winch anchored to a tree wouldn’t free it. Now I leave at least two to three layers of space on my drums and carry extension lines.


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