My tach has started to act up. It finally started to freeze entirely at zero for 30 seconds to a couple minutes. It still works most of the time, but every few times I drive it I have this happen. I did some searching already with Google and found a few threads on the wire and this forum but nothing useful.
Anyone know where to start? My first thought was if the RPM signal is used by the ECM for anything important, or is it only to run the tach for the drivers information? Truck runs fine when it fails so I’m thinking it only serves a visual purpose. I might hook up my scanner and see if when the gauge is dead, does the ECM still report engine RPM. Then I’d know it isn’t the sensor.
Anyone know where to start? My first thought was if the RPM signal is used by the ECM for anything important, or is it only to run the tach for the drivers information? Truck runs fine when it fails so I’m thinking it only serves a visual purpose. I might hook up my scanner and see if when the gauge is dead, does the ECM still report engine RPM. Then I’d know it isn’t the sensor.