Taking My HAM Technician Exam Soon

Hey everyone! So a couple years back a friend turned me onto HAM radio. Ive been studying for my exam for a while and theres a test coming up in October and Im going to try to make it. Im very excited! I often monitor my local repeater and Im very excited to offer my help and input to my local community. Whenever weather gets bad I always listen in to my handheld because of the realtime updates and info i get. It kills me when HAMs need help or have questions and Im the only one who knows the answer and all Id have to do is push that little PTT button on my radio but I cant!

Ive been taking practice exams on my tablet and reading the HAM radio license exam books. Im nervous but Ive passed my last dozen or so practice exams so Im optimistic. Im also very excited about this forum! Camping, Subarus, HAM radio...so many things in my life are on this forum! Its great!


Congrats on your interest and I am sure you will have no problem passing.

Since you mentioned bad weather, where are you located?


If you are successfully passing practice exams online without any problems you will have no problem passing the actual test. Good Luck and Go For It! Look forward to your 'I Passed' thread!!!


On a scale of 1-10. 10 being hard as F. How hard is the HAM test

That's a relative question, depends on what electrical and maybe math knowledge you had previously. I know people who have had a difficult time passing the Tech test, (maybe they didn't study enough?) yet I know a guy that passed the Tech so quickly the VE's thought he didn't know the test had started. Surprised the hell out of them when he aced it.


The online exams make it pretty easy.. RAC has all 400 questions on their site, the exam uses 100 of them.
I practiced until I was getting solid 90s and then did 93 on the exam. There were no new questions.
Thanks everyone! Ive been working on bikes and tinkering with electronics for a while and Im also a musician so its been really nice applying those to HAM radio and vice versa. I appreciate the support and Ill keep yall posted!


Read somewhere a long time ago that you could miss every single question requiring electrical/mathematical knowledge and still pass the Tech test.
Actually the math questions and the schematic questions are my strongest subject lol. All I needed to remember is voltage is the only equation that you multiply with, resistance and current are both division. I take at least 1 or 2 practice exams a day and havent failed one in at least a week or 2. The only thing Im worried about is getting up early enough and being awake enough to focus lol.
I PASSED! They also let me test for the General license but Ive only been reading the tech exam book and taking tech practice exams so it was mostly alien to me and I only got 16/35 questions correct lol. But at least I got my Technicians license!!! Theres a whole crazy story behind justgetting there and what happened when I did but thats for another time. As a treat Im thinking about getting a mobile unit for my Subie.

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