Taking the big jump!


Well, I bought the book, read the book, read the book again,took 3 practice tests and passed them all, so......I have signed up for my tech test on the 20th. Wish me luck!


Good luck!
Why not study for general in the mean time? You can take both tests the same day in most cases.


take your practice tests. a couple a day. you'll ace it.

and as an aside, Mashurst, my grandfather (K4JFN-sk) used to live in Swansboro. used to love visiting in the summers.



Use the online tests, get 100% on the first 10 tests and you will do fine. I did the first 10 for the technician test and past with flying colors. I only did the first 5 for the general and missed it by a few points, most of the questions on it were a few more practice tests in. I'd do 10 each just to CYA. Good luck, piece of cake.:ylsmoke:


Expedition Leader
Watch out with the General online tests on QRZ.com. I found the random number generator heavily favored the first couple of questions in each category, so even though I took it a gazillion times, quite a few possible questions never came up.


Congrats on passing the Tech. While I wouldn't call it a "big jump" (more a "baby step" in context) it's a great achievement. Now, study up and get the HF license where you'll have the standard (or "General") amateur privileges.


Watch out with the General online tests on QRZ.com. I found the random number generator heavily favored the first couple of questions in each category, so even though I took it a gazillion times, quite a few possible questions never came up.

Ha Ha, this is sooooo true. Best to pick the tests very randomly from throughout the the full number range of tests.


Can you detail the advantages of the General over Tech level? Do you gain a sig amount of options, etc?


Sure, and yes you gain some very significant options.
For one, and the most obvious is that you gain access to the HF frequencies.
The Tech level ticket allows only line-of-sight signals on FM (VHF/UHF). It's sort of a "what you see, is what you get" thing with FM. In other words, if you can see the mountain and you know there is a repeater at the top, you stand a good chance of opening the squelch on it and having it repeat your signal. However, if the repeater is mounted in the foothills just on the other side of the same mountain, your chances drop dramatically. With FM (VHF/UHF), the use of repeaters or other supportive means (IRLP, for example) is necessary in order to extend a signal beyond line-of sight.

HF allows propogated sky-wave signals that can literally circumnavigate the globe and do so while completely unsupported. In other words, the signal leaves your antenna in Indiana and is received by another antenna in the next state, or the next continent, depending on which HF band you're using.....with no intermediate support necessary.
On occasion, with a directed signal, you can actually hear the delayed return of your own signal after it completes a long-path propagated trip around the world, it's sounds kinda' like a short echo.
With very few exceptions on FM, if you can't hit the first repeater, your signal is done traveling and is lost to the aether.
The General license is the "standard" amateur radio operators license, hence the name "general". It allows "general" privileges by giving you all the FM privileges of the Technician license and it allows privileges in all the amateur allocated HF bands as well.
Having said this, if your offroad excursions/experiences won't be taking you to very remote places....you probably won't need it.


Tech's can use 10M HF as well, I have over 300 contacts and QSLs from 10, just FYI.
True, however 10m is one of the most fickle bands in the HF spectrum with 6m being the most difficult (IMO) to work. When they're on, they're on. Unfortunately, right now they are frustratingly difficult. I really wish there were more activity on the 10m band so that Techs could get a better feel for what HF offers. I'm sure this allocation was provided to the Tech's for this purpose. Maybe a small 15 to 20 khz spread at the top of the 20m band may have served this purpose better.
BTW, Good job rounding up contacts on 10..are they DX? A DXCC on 10m would be very impressive.....personally, I don't have the patience, lol. I suppose at sometime in the next solar cycle we may see some openings on 10, I keep checking, but I'm not holding my breath in anticipation.
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