Bingo! There's your late cab for the 2631SK! (Think that's the factory cab too)... I'm guessing if we are having this discussion, you are also leaning towards the Mercedes option. Soooo. Next suggestion... Where is the 2631SK located in relation to the 1234? I wouldn't entertain the import of the 1234 if it's not old enough (unless you can own it for a year over there, and then bring it in in late 2020). You'll think this mad (but cost it all before discounting the idea)... I would be flying over for 3 weeks, buying both trucks, finding a workshop there and swapping the cabs and then getting the 2631AK ready for shipping. Find some storage for the 1234 and sit on it (if budget allows). It will sell well as its a late 4x4 with decent power and will soon have a decent large day cab. One of those two sellers will have the facilities to do the swap. If you get really stuck, I have free storage options in France and UK for one of the trucks if you need a year with it sat... The UK option would be covered at my fathers place... Exciting times!!