Team Equipt's "Central America Expedition"


Expedition Leader
Ben, sounds like you have a great trip planned. It will be fun to read the report afterwards!

RMP&O, how long would you expect the turnaround time to be for the USDA APHIS?

This very much depends on your state USDA office but mine does it in less then 10 days. I suggest you fax them the form after your vet fills it out to make sure it meets their criteria. If you send it to them and they don't like it, you have to do it all over again. If you fax it to them and they say it is good then you mail off the hard copy. You also want the USDA to stamp and certify your rabies vac cert form. These two forms are all you really need but I also take a full vet history on my dog, proof of treatment for mites/ticks/fleas, a proof of ownership and a few other forms. Mexico doesn't care about any of it, most of CA does. Taking your dog into Belize will cost $50 per dog.
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Expedition Leader
The one thing we are looking heavily into is the proper papers needed to take our dog across the Belize and Guatemala borders. This is proving to be a small problem as Guatemala looks as if they take a long time to approve things once you have jumped through many loop holes to get your pet in legally.

Not true about Guatemala. Absolutely no problem, in fact very fast, painless and cheap (maybe free I don't recall since I crossed so many borders). I actually recall at least one Guatemala border crossing where they didn't care one bit about my dog permit, however I have had to show the docs to police who have stopped me in the country. Have the right docs and forms and it is faster and easier then the truck permit at most CA borders. El Amitillo & Belize are the only borders I ever crossed where they did a visual inspection of the dog by the on duty AG officer. At the border simply ask where the AG office is, walk in with your docs and say "necesito un permiso para mi perro." They stamp them, might charge a small fee and you are on your way.

Take percautions for your dogs if you take them. Make sure they are up to date on rabies (required anyways), heartworm, kennel cough and a few others. Take stuff to treat your dog on the road for mange, ticks, cuts, diarrhea, vomiting, wounds and so forth. Be a responsible pet owner! :)

I have had my dog get mange, kennel cough and a few other things while on the road with him. Seven months traveling in Latin America with my dog, something is bound to happen. I have found vets in Latin America to be very good though, as good as my vet here in the USA who I have used for 14yrs. And Latin vets are dirt cheap! ;)


Supporting Sponsor Presenting Sponsor of Overland
Thanks for all the advice. It sure is helpful. I did a little digging on the Guatemala Embassy site, and found a document saying that we have to get the USDA certified US vet health certificates authenticated through the Embassy or closest Consulate of Guatemala. So I called to see where that was. The Embassy forwarded me to the Denver Consulate. I called them, explaining my plan. They said that the authentication was unnecessary and the US vet health certificates would be plenty. I guess we take their word for it.

I gather from talking to my vet that they can create the certificate at their office for us. If I understand your comments correctly, the vet office cannot stamp the documents though. That has to happen by the USDA at their office?

Here's another fun item. The research I did on Mexico stated that the examination had to be within 72 hours of entering Mexico. Right.



Expedition Leader
Thanks for all the advice. It sure is helpful. I did a little digging on the Guatemala Embassy site, and found a document saying that we have to get the USDA certified US vet health certificates authenticated through the Embassy or closest Consulate of Guatemala. So I called to see where that was. The Embassy forwarded me to the Denver Consulate. I called them, explaining my plan. They said that the authentication was unnecessary and the US vet health certificates would be plenty. I guess we take their word for it.

Take my word for it too, it is not necessary. On my first trip my final destination was Panama so I had the Panamanian cosulate stamp my papers before I entered Mexico, in San Diego. Sure it was nice to have that extra stamp and certification but was not required at all. In fact when I did hit the border for Panama, I still had to pay a small bribe! The AG guys do not know all the rules for a dog. The consulates are not going to have accurate up to date info too. Every time I have talked to a consulate they told me I needed things that never mattered. A lot of what you will be told is for people who fly down with their dog or are moving to the country with their dog. Last time I went to Panama I skipped the consulate stamp, it made no difference at all. All you need is the USDA form filled out by your vet and stamped by the USDA plus a rabies certificate also stamped by the USDA. Make sure the dogs get a rabies vac right now even if they had one in the last 6 months. The newest date rabies vac is the one you want the USDA to certify.

I gather from talking to my vet that they can create the certificate at their office for us. If I understand your comments correctly, the vet office cannot stamp the documents though. That has to happen by the USDA at their office?

Yes your vet should have the USDA APHIS form. Most vets will have not likely filled one out in a long time if ever though! If they don't have the form get it from the USDA, it is a cabron copy of like 4 sheets. Since your vet may be unsure exactly how to fill it out and since the USDA can be picky, this is why I suggested faxing it off before mailing. Plus you are on a time limit here if I am not mistaken so a botched form will delay you.

Here's another fun item. The research I did on Mexico stated that the examination had to be within 72 hours of entering Mexico. Right.


Mexico doesn't care about dogs at all. Even if you ask at the border they won't tell you to do anything. I don't ask now, I just bring my dog into Mexico. You will have the forms so if somebody hassels you (a cop) you are covered. A cop tried to bribe me once in Tampico over my dog but I refused him since I had all the right docs even though they had no Mexico stamps on them. The police officer had no idea he was just trying to use my dog as a way to bribe me. If you read up on the internet (gov websites, consulates, ect) it tells you when you bring your dog back into the USA the pet has to have another recent rabies vac. That is not true. Twice now I have come back into the USA with my dog, the last time I told the officers I was out of the country for 4 months with my dog. Both times the USA border side officers said nothing other then take him for a walk and let him pee on the lawn over there while we search your truck. :)

So don't worry. Just get the docs you need and the other ones I mention in previous posts if you can. You are really only going to need the docs for Belize, Guatemala doesn't care although it does vary border to border and who you talk to at borders. If they want you to go stamp the docs at the AG office, no biggie. Watch out for scams at the Guatemala border depending on which one you cross. I know somebody who was scammed and then robbed at the border along the Pacific Coast over car insurance. I was scammed entering Belize from Mexico. Chances are though you will not encounter this.

Oh and take about 5 copies of all the documents. Yes you can get copies at borders but it is just simply better to carry some copies. You will be all set and will have a great time with your dogs down there!

Buddy in Baja....



Here is Buddy leaving Belize and entering Eastern Guatemala....


Buddy on the road...


Buddy off the coast of Panama heading out to camp on an island for a week...


Buddy in Costa Rica...


Buddy in Antigua Guatemala....


Buddy in Honduras...


and Buddy in Panama....


Here are my friends Ben & Megan with their two little girls and two large dogs! This is right after they entered the USA and after spending more then 3 months with the family plus dogs living in Costa Rica.


Buddy has spent more then 7 months on the road in Latin America in the last several years. ;)


Expedition Leader
Oh and last thing...if you want to take advantage of the dogs being your vehicle security which they very much are that....make a sign and put it in the window(s) that says "Cuidado con el perro" which means beware of dog. Since you are spending time in Belize I would have it in spanish and english. That is what I did. This sign along with the dogs will keep people away from your truck like nothing else! ;)


What a great trip! I'm jealous and I haven't even seen one of Ben's stunning photos yet. If you trip brings you on the ferry to Baja on the way back, let me know.

Have fun and see at the Expo at the latest.



Paul, Ben,

Looking forward to it! Angela just got my flights for Ruins & Rainforests sorted. James and I have a great route planned that may involve some pretty heavy jungle work. Make sure your winches work.




Disabled Adventurer
Paul, Ben,

Looking forward to it! Angela just got my flights for Ruins & Rainforests sorted. James and I have a great route planned that may involve some pretty heavy jungle work. Make sure your winches work.



Graham, just checked and the winch does work! As a matter of fact it has never even been unspooled. I also got in the MAXTRAX yesterday and have been playing with the mounting a bit:


Traveling Mode


Jungle Mode


Assorted Snow Peak goodies that I got in from the ferry yesterday....


Disabled Adventurer
Yes David, my Alu-Box is flush with my Eezi-Awn Roof Top Tent. We will see how I fair in the jungle with all of the vines, you will have fun with your setup too!!


Disabled Adventurer
I think the trasharoo will fit over top.

Paul is carrying our designated "Trasharoo" on his 100 Series, so we are covered! I'm going to be mounting my Front Runner Tire Step in the next few days and then only have to figure out how to mount my shovel......

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