Team Equipt's "Expedition Mundo Maya"
O.K. so Team Equipt is 8 days into our "Expedition Mundo Maya" trip and finally has something worth while to say/show and a good enough internet connection to get it done!:sombrero:
We are now in San Cristóbal de Las Casas preparing to cross the border tomorrow into Guatemala where we will join up with James & Angela Brown of No Limit Expeditions.
We stayed at the Maya Bell Campground near the ruins at Palenque for three days recuperating from our bonsai drive to southern Mexico. Yesterday Jan. 6th we drove from Palenque to the ruins at Banampak which are on the Guatemala border. This morning we visited the ruins which are some of the most beautiful in all of Mexico. First here are some images from Palenque.
The ruins at Palenque as seen from the near the highest point looking down at the "Palace."
Paul giving Beverly his best explanation of how the Mayan people disappeared around 850 A.D.
This was the bathing cascades for King Pakal also known at "Pakal The Great" and his queen "Tzakbu Ajawat" who was the Princess of Oktán. It took all that I had to keep Beverly and Paul from jumping into the falls for a quick swim! BTW, this image is handheld as there are no tripod's allowed at these ruins.
This is really cool bark found at Palenque, please don't ask me what it's called......:ylsmoke:
One of the last structures that you visit at Palenque and well worth the wait!
Who said that the ancient Mayan's were not good engineers or understood erosion evasion techniques?
We brought 4 of the new Snowpeak Hozuki Lanterns with us on this expedition and love the light that they produce. They are infinitely adjustable and very compact.
This is the first trip that Equipt is an official Snowpeak dealer. We are loving the benefits as this stuff is not only very lightweight, but just plain old cool.....:sombrero:
The view from our campmento at San Miguel de Allende. It was officially named the RV & Tennis Club?
While in San Miguel de Allende we camped near this Uni-Mog. Word is they arrived 1.5 years ago for a one week stay and have never left.:ylsmoke:
I know some people think that this is a vacation for Team Equipt, but lets get real. This is a product evaluation/testing trip and no fun at all!:sombrero: BTW, this stay on the way down shows that there are not many people traveling south due to the threats. This park is usually full and we had the entire thing to ourselves.
Now on to Bonampak!