Technitop - Simple, Light, Robust
The Technitop RTT is cool because of the weight and integrated heavy duty plastic weather proof shell that forms the tent bed tray and travel case. It is much lighter than a Howling Moon, Eezi-Awn or other wood/fiber board based tent. Rot and Mold are less of an issue for the Technotop. You can fold it up and store it for long periods of time without an issue. Even with the endcap not totally secure, after seven years of rain, heat, and black widows, it was really in good condition.
The lower weight is also nice on a vehicle that may have relatively low gross vehicle weight or soft suspension. You get off camber with 200 - 250 pounds 8 feet off the ground and you will know it. The Technitop Tent is my choice for my Willy's MB.
The Technitop RTT also has a very simple rain fly set up that is nice. Just pop off the end caps, attach the ladder and crash out.
Ramble on.......
Zepset -
Expedition Projects:
41 Willys MB
68 Ford Bronco
79 GMC -Sierra Grande 25 - Camper Special