I think so but I'll need to double check. My list is in my office so I'll take a look tomorrow.Adam, i totally spaced on this due to work...summer etc !! Am i on the list?
I actually use silicone spray as a lubricant for mine. I haven't noticed that dust sticks to it any more than usual so that might be worth a try. But if you think you have it lubricated properly, I find that it often more of an issue of having the zippers lined up correctly when there is difficulty getting the zipper started. You might try to make some minor adjustments to the tent size of the zipper in the track to align it better with the cover zipper.thanks for checking Adam!
btw im having trouble getting the travel cover zip to start, i have cleaned all the dust and dirt out of it, also used dry graphite on it. what do you recomend?
I actually use silicone spray as a lubricant for mine. I haven't noticed that dust sticks to it any more than usual so that might be worth a try. But if you think you have it lubricated properly, I find that it often more of an issue of having the zippers lined up correctly when there is difficulty getting the zipper started. You might try to make some minor adjustments to the tent size of the zipper in the track to align it better with the cover zipper.
.Is there a particular brand you recommend? Don't want to gum them up or cause damage to the surrounding material. Also how often do you think the zippers should be treated just as a preventative measure? Is there any guideline to not really "clean" the zippers but like an after trip regimen from being in a dusty or wet environment?