Tepui kukenam 3 mattress mod

X200000000 on the Exped. I have two of the medium wides so I can use them for different applications. two fit snuggly side by side in my sleeping platform in the back of the Landy. Or I use just one if its just me. If take the Simpson III RTT, I put them side by side up there and its epic. I also have a Kamp-Rite Tent Cot which one fits perfectly in. If you are a ground camper or need a place on the floor to crash in your house or someone else's, they are the bomb.

Got them cheap, about $150 shipped per and never looked back.
You’re probably not charging enough for your kidney...

I don’t own an Exped, but I’m seriously considering it. When will someone make one custom sized to fit RTT floors perfectly? It seems like the market is big enough.

I think that is going to be a tough sell because so many changes to RTT designs in so many fashion to length, width, fold, etc. Great idea though.
I own an Exped, but its not in my Tepui. I use a Thermarest Z lite and a Ridge Rest next to each other (They are what I had, so one for me and one for the prettier half). Placing the more "rigid" sleeping platform on top of the factory memory foam spreads the weight over the memory foam and keeps my elbow and hip from hitting the platform below like the original mattress setup did. One of those childs foam mats or yoga mat would serve the same purpose. We then put our sheet over the setup and everything folds up in the tent like usual, occasionally I have to straighten the mat when opening the tent but my Ayer doesn't have a mattress strap which I believe yours does, so probably would not even require the 30 seconds that it takes.


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You’re probably not charging enough for your kidney...

I don’t own an Exped, but I’m seriously considering it. When will someone make one custom sized to fit RTT floors perfectly? It seems like the market is big enough.

I would love a Exped to perfect fit my Ayer, the medium Duo is too small and then the LW+ Duo is too big.

Tepui do have a new Siesta mattress that is meant to even more conforatble than any of their other mattress's but its $400 for the Ayer and $450 for the Kukenam 3 which makes the Exped look like a bargain.

The original Tepui mattress is one of the most uncomfortable things I have ever slept on! I sleep better on my Thermarest Zlite Sol backpacking mat than I do on the Tepui mattress.
I would love a Exped to perfect fit my Ayer, the medium Duo is too small and then the LW+ Duo is too big.

Tepui do have a new Siesta mattress that is meant to even more conforatble than any of their other mattress's but its $400 for the Ayer and $450 for the Kukenam 3 which makes the Exped look like a bargain.

The original Tepui mattress is one of the most uncomfortable things I have ever slept on! I sleep better on my Thermarest Zlite Sol backpacking mat than I do on the Tepui mattress.

Not sure what your width is but would two Exped Mediums fit side by side; two really opens up your other options like how I use mine and they sides are really nice where you wouldn't feel the seam between the two much. Just a thought!

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