Tepui Tent RTT


Sorry you're having some issues. Flaws are rare but unfortunately can happen. We should be able to get you all sorted out and fixed up.
I'm currently at FJ Summit in CO but I'll be home tomorrow. If you'd please give me a call on Monday I'll be happy to help get the ball rolling to get this taken care of. My cell number is 801-710-8110.

This is a significant customer service step. I really like these tents and such a personal move makes them all the more attractive.

Box Rocket

Well-known member
I spoke to Naroko (thank for your patience and for the phone call!) and I think we've got the ball rolling to get issues resolved. For others, the small hole in the mosquito netting in the pictures is uncommon but as you can see, it's a possibility. Not sure what caused this particular one. The "no-see-um" mesh used for the window screens is really quite durable for what it is, but in order for to function the way it needs to it means a fairly fine mesh needs to be used which inherently will be more delicate than the canvas material for example. A heavier duty mesh would be less effective at keeping the really small bugs out, and also potentially limit airflow if it was designed to address the issue of the bugs.
Fortunately this should be something that can be fixed easily. As always, we appreciate the feedback (good or bad). This is what helps us make needed changes or work on new designs so we can continue to make the best tents on the market.


Can someone with real experience let me know if its worth getting the ruggedized version vs the standard version? I want to get the Autana XL and am trying to decide if I should just get the regular in tan (in stock) or wait for the ruggedized to get back in stock (who knows when). Is the ruggedized worth the wait and additional price?
Can someone with real experience let me know if its worth getting the ruggedized version vs the standard version? I want to get the Autana XL and am trying to decide if I should just get the regular in tan (in stock) or wait for the ruggedized to get back in stock (who knows when). Is the ruggedized worth the wait and additional price?


I think it really depends on how you will use your RTT. I have mine mounted to a trailer and I pull it into places that most would not take a trailer. For this reason I got the Ruggedized. I use mine as much as possible each year and it will take more abuse. I have not had mine all that long but I love it and can't wait to get many years of use from it. I have no doubt that it will last and take anything I can throw at it.


I have the standard kukenam and take it off roading and 100's of kilometers into the bush. It has taken some damage on the underside of the aluminum base which the ruggedized has a thicker diamond place base which would stand up better. For this reason I am going to get a ruggedized Autana as my next tent.

Box Rocket

Well-known member
I've had both standard and Ruggedized models for my personal tents. Even though I sell them, my personal tents aren't just display only demos. I'm a true user of the tents in a wide range of conditions. For me the Ruggedized is 100% worth it. That said, I didn't have complaints about my standard Autana and my Kukenam Sky standard models. As has been mentioned, the value of a Ruggedized model has a lot to do with the type of use it's going to get and the type of conditions it will be used in. When people ask me the question when their shopping, I generally ask them those two questions and the answer becomes pretty clear to whether or not a standard model will be adequate or not. Many times, even when the standard models would do everything the customer needs, they still choose the Ruggedized for the extra durability and the upgrades.
generally speaking, ask yourself how many times a month you intend to use the tent. If you think that realistically you'll get out once a month, a standard model might be enough. If you're going out every weekend, the heavy duty components and extra durability of the ruggedized would be welcome features.
Then, ask yourself what types of conditions you think you will be in most often. Temperature extremes? Are you a winter camper? If yes, the Ruggedized might be the best choice.
The most noticeable sign of wear on the standard models is the aluminum tent base. It can show some wear over time. The diamond plate base of the Ruggedized will stay looking new pretty much forever.
I'm happy to help answer other questions if you have them too. Thanks to the rest of you for commenting! It's always good to hear from users.


I think I'm pretty set on getting one of Tepui tents for my JKU, my wife and I had a baby and she doesn't want to ground sleep with him yet. I'll be mounting it on a Gobi Rack and removing it when not in use. I can't seem to decide between the Autana Rug. and the Kukenam Rug., Am I understanding it correctly that the interior dimensions are the same, folded dimensions are the same and the only difference is the covered entry and enclosed awning (both features I like). I am a little concerned about weight as my jeep is already a pig. Does the awning fold up with the tent or is it removed and stored elsewhere? Outside of cost is there any downfalls of the Autana I should be aware of compared to the kukenam?



thats the same thing i did. i went with gobi and also got two adjustable crossbars so i will be able to remove the tent with ease. it still mounts low to the roof rack.


New member
I was on the fence about the Rugedized Autana and Kukeman but ended up ordering the Autana. I'm glad I did. It was expensive but the quality is fantastic. The Autana is heavier but shouldn't weigh much more if you remove the annex, floor etc and put them in your jeep. I plan to put these items in my trailer. Hope this helps.


New member
Took the kukenam sky ruggedized out for its first trip last week. Anyone had problems with water wicking through the canvas to the mattress/sheets? We had a day or two of light rain and water wicked right through the walls at the corners.

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Took the kukenam sky ruggedized out for its first trip last week. Anyone had problems with water wicking through the canvas to the mattress/sheets? We had a day or two of light rain and water wicked right through the walls at the corners.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk

Mine did this the first trip out (in a torrential rain storm)

I've read somewhere (cant remember) that the thread used for the stitching needs to get moist to swell up and completely plug the holes the needle made, and because of this its actually recommended to mist you tent with a hose before you take it out for the first time.

Im sure BoxRocket can shed some more light on this.

But ever since the first trip its been bone dry inside and I have probably close to 60 nights in my tent some of which where in record rain storms.

Box Rocket

Well-known member
Mine did this the first trip out (in a torrential rain storm)

I've read somewhere (cant remember) that the thread used for the stitching needs to get moist to swell up and completely plug the holes the needle made, and because of this its actually recommended to mist you tent with a hose before you take it out for the first time.

Im sure BoxRocket can shed some more light on this.

But ever since the first trip its been bone dry inside and I have probably close to 60 nights in my tent some of which where in record rain storms.
"misting" the tent isn't required but it can help the stitching expand to fill needle holes. You can do this step with a new tent if you like, just make sure to let it dry completely before stowing the tent.


"misting" the tent isn't required but it can help the stitching expand to fill needle holes. You can do this step with a new tent if you like, just make sure to let it dry completely before stowing the tent.

Yeah I cant remember where I read that but it was definitey a user review that recommended it, not tepui itself.

I was a bit concerned when my tent leaked the first trip but then I remembered reading the thing about misting the tent to expand the thread and it eased my mind haha

Never happened again and one night we were camping in Whistler B.C. during the biggest rainstorm in about 5 years (at least thats what the media claimed) and the tent was bond dry inside all night long!


New member
I have an Autana I tried mounting over the weekend. The bolts for the cross bar mounting brackets were too long to be used with my gobi set up. Tried getting my pops to bring one into the office for me to get shorter ones to try again this evening, but he brought the wrong ones. Anyone know what size Tepui sends out with the tent? I cant find that info anywhere on the web. Thanks in advance!

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