Tesla Cybertruck: The Future?


Active member
Well, I ordered the top of the line version if they can deliver in the next few years, lol. I can already see getting a pop up hard side camper shell built for this thing. I can also see a lot of advantages and efficiencies to tapping into the main vehicle battery through the 120/220v accessory ports.

What do you all think?
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Deleted member 9101

While it won't work for me (I tow a travel trailer from Fl to NM every spring) I can see how it would work for quite a few people.

Teslas also developed a bad reputation here in FL, they are horrible evacuation vehicles.

Really the only problem is cost... It's not even remotely competitive with gas powered trucks.

Deleted member 9101

I'll beg to differ. I think the price is so competitive even I am considering buying one.

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Even if he can deliver on the 39,900 price... That's still many thousands more that any other fullsize 1/2 ton can be had for.

I'm guessing that his promised pricing is wishful thinking...no different than his solar shingles and energy storage projects.


New member
Even if he can deliver on the 39,900 price... That's still many thousands more that any other fullsize 1/2 ton can be had for.

I'm guessing that his promised pricing is wishful thinking...no different than his solar shingles and energy storage projects.
I guess It will all really depend on what features come standard.

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Tossing ewoks on Titan
To be fair, I don't think anyone is saying the Tesla Cybertruck (or any electric vehicle) is good for absolutely everything.

Todd n Natalie

No issues with electric trucks here. I just think it's ugly. I think the Rivian is a much better looking truck. Either way, I'd wait to see what comes from the likes of Toyota, Ford, GM etc...

I don't think 100% electric would work for me yet. But, I would be interested in a hybrid F150 or Tundra.

Hmm.. Maybe I need to start a new topic. Hybrid F150 vs Hybrid Tundra. I wonder how that would go over?
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I actually don't mind the look. Its way outside the norm, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I can see owning one someday (an electric truck of any brand), but not to replace my gas truck as my travel vehicle, but to replace my gas truck as my commuter vehicle. Still have the utility of a truck around town without paying so much to feed it for the commute. Also keep my travel truck much lower miles and extend its life.

Todd n Natalie

That might actually be the real race to a practical vehicle instead of potential vaporware. Personally I'd consider a hybrid pickup but have zero interest in anything plug in. Not only the question of range but my house was built in 1926 and still has a 100A main so fast charging while running our clothes dryer and having the lights on in the house would be impossible.


To Infinity and Beyond!
The vast majority of people in the USA live in Urban/City areas. I have seen the number 90% or more quoted numerous times as the percentage of our US population that lives in Urban/City areas. The vast majority of those urban dwellers drive their vehicle 200 miles or LESS on a daily basis doing whatever it is they do. The bigger the city the better the public transportation has become for moving people IN and OUT of these great cities.

Having said the above ALL the electric vehicles produced TODAY will meet the daily driving needs of most Americans. Ya I know you are driving straight thru 300+ miles to BFE and are totally convinced no electric vehicle will go that far. With airfare so cheap MOST Urban Dwelling Americans rarely if ever travel by vehicle anymore 300+ miles in a single trip. If you need to take a long vehicle trip you can rent a fossil fuel vehicle from Enterprise for cheap to meet whatever travel needs you might have to make the trip for far less cost than ownership and operation of that fossil fuel vehicle on a daily basis.

I find lots of people who say they will NEVER drive an electric vehicle yet an electric vehicle would "meat" 99% of their daily driving needs. IT'S ALL THEIR HEAD! I love it when they say "What about those 1 or 2 times a year I make a single trip more than 300+ miles to BFE?


We Human's sure are FUNNY ANIMALS!!!
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New member
I guess. Advantage of having an electric truck is. If you're really going into bfe. Just bring a Genny

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