Thanks a lot for this breakdown. I do like numbers like you. I use numbers in almost everything I do. It helps me easily understand and remember things since I am good with numbers.Okay, so I'm sure you know all the numbers but I looked them up (I like numbers) ...
Dawson to Peel River crossing is ~575 kms. 10am depart to 2 am stop at the first ferry queue to rest is 14 hrs**. Say averages at 41 kph (25 mph) driving. Clearly doable and you'll be going faster.
Or put another way, 9 hrs at 65 kph (40 mph, a slowish rate but maybe good for the car) and 5 hrs for stops. Still doable.
The second leg to Inuvik has plenty of time, likewise the day trip to Tuk.
So yeah, I hope that all works out you.
Good question on the wildlife at night. Don't really know. We've been up a few times and frankly didn't see much. Found a couple caribou antlers tho .. but you have to stop and look around for those!
Safe trip !
** edit: or 16hrs if you round it up :smh:
Your breakdown really makes sense and aligns with what I have been calculating already on paper. I hope I do not get a flat tire on this trip, even though I am prepared with 2 spare tires. But I plan to stop 100% if I see someone with any sign of distress. I have 2 first aid kits and a tire plug kit. Those are things that I will gladly give away if I meet anybody on the road who needs help. I have been helped before on the road and I was more than grateful. So, I see it as a good thing to always be helpful to others on the road.
You really put it very well in numbers. So, that is basically what I will do. Now I just hope I get to see some wildlife.
1st river crossing is Peel River Crossing which opens at 9am and closes at 1am.
2nd river Crossing is MacKenzie River Crossing which opens at 8 am and closes at 12 midnight.
My goal is to cross the Peel River Crossing just before 1am. Then drive an hour to get to MacKenzie. But MacKenzie will be closed by the time I get there, so that is where I plan to stay until 9am when it opens.
Then I slowly take my time to complete the remaining 3 hours to Inuvik.
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