Today starts a new jeep build for me. What will it be? Will it be a new truck laced with lots of off the shelf aftermarket goodies? Or maybe a custom one off truck lovingly hand build with lots of tubing and killer welding skills. No it will be something fit for our current economic situation.
The back story
Around Christmas I posted a thread about what types of expo trucks could be had for under $3,000. I got a lot of good feedback but decided at the time I would save my pennies until April and try and bump my 3,000 budget up to around $5000. Unfortunately lots of unforeseen things came up. First my wife got ill and had to have an expensive surgery, and then my son got ill and had to spend the night in the hospital. Instead of saving more money I had to set by and slowly watch my savings dwindle.
Fast forward.
Now it’s April and I need to buy a new expo rig but instead of my projected $5,000 I thought I would have I now have only $2,000. About a month ago I started looking for an expo rig I could have for under $2k. This quickly proved to not be an easy task. Any 4x4 truck for under $2k I could find was either ragged out and would need lots of work, or was so gimpy I would never take it on an expo trip.
The budget and the build
So the budget was set. I would have $2k to spend on truck, repairs and mods. I would need a truck that was capable off road, able to travel to remote areas and come back, and most of all would not cost more than $2k. I looked at several trucks but my budget coupled with my desires for a classic, reliable rig left me with few choices. Sunday I was talking to a teen at my church when they mentioned they had a Jeep grand wagoneer they needed to get rid of. They had parked it in their driveway 11 months ago when they got a new car and had not touched it since. I agreed to come over and give it a look.
I arrived to find a 91 jeep with 2 flat tires, fading paint, a dead battery and the rear window rolled down. It had been setting in the west Texas sun for 11 months (with the window rolled down) and was not much to look at. After spending 30 minutes getting it running the teen’s dad came out and we struck a conversation. Turns out the city had given the dad 7 days to move the truck before they would fine him. When I told him I was looking for something cheap he gave it to me for free. The only catch, I had to move it this week.
As she sits
The back story
Around Christmas I posted a thread about what types of expo trucks could be had for under $3,000. I got a lot of good feedback but decided at the time I would save my pennies until April and try and bump my 3,000 budget up to around $5000. Unfortunately lots of unforeseen things came up. First my wife got ill and had to have an expensive surgery, and then my son got ill and had to spend the night in the hospital. Instead of saving more money I had to set by and slowly watch my savings dwindle.
Fast forward.
Now it’s April and I need to buy a new expo rig but instead of my projected $5,000 I thought I would have I now have only $2,000. About a month ago I started looking for an expo rig I could have for under $2k. This quickly proved to not be an easy task. Any 4x4 truck for under $2k I could find was either ragged out and would need lots of work, or was so gimpy I would never take it on an expo trip.
The budget and the build
So the budget was set. I would have $2k to spend on truck, repairs and mods. I would need a truck that was capable off road, able to travel to remote areas and come back, and most of all would not cost more than $2k. I looked at several trucks but my budget coupled with my desires for a classic, reliable rig left me with few choices. Sunday I was talking to a teen at my church when they mentioned they had a Jeep grand wagoneer they needed to get rid of. They had parked it in their driveway 11 months ago when they got a new car and had not touched it since. I agreed to come over and give it a look.
I arrived to find a 91 jeep with 2 flat tires, fading paint, a dead battery and the rear window rolled down. It had been setting in the west Texas sun for 11 months (with the window rolled down) and was not much to look at. After spending 30 minutes getting it running the teen’s dad came out and we struck a conversation. Turns out the city had given the dad 7 days to move the truck before they would fine him. When I told him I was looking for something cheap he gave it to me for free. The only catch, I had to move it this week.
As she sits