The American IFA Project Has Officially Started.


Supporting Sponsor: Overland Explorer Expedition V
Grab a good 5" grinder and some good quality zip wheels like Walter abrasives, the thinner the better, we use .040 thick wheels. They make very fast work and nice clean cuts.


Yeah, I'm on board with that idea.I wish I would have known that little nugget about 5 hours ago! LOL. I even got a grinder today but didn't get those wheels. Thanks for the tip! I have to cut the hinges off of the sides and grind them down so I will utilize the grinder for that because that sawsall was knocking my fillings loose.
Absolutely jealous of the fact that your wife is into the big truck build.
Well about that, umm, she is getting jealous of two things:
My new Baby
and my old baby.
stay tuned, there may be a shotgun position open soon. I'm serious, things are getting tense.:littlefriend:
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Here are some pics from a seat install I did to make the ride a little more comfortable. I bought a 79 Tioga RV with a roof leak and gutted it. Pretty much picked it clean.

Gutted Rv'
guttedcamper1.JPG guttedcamper2.JPG

Empty Cab **********Old Seat
seat2.JPG seat1.JPG

Seat stand after paint ******The seat salvaged for the RV. Uglier, but more comfortable.

seat3.JPG seat4.JPG

Had to cut a new notch for the captain seat.
seat5.JPG seat6.JPG

Seat in place.


I started to clean things up last year. Here some pics from the cab rehab. I basically pulled out the dash and gauges to paint them and get them "pretty" for an exhibition of military trucks at a local fair.

It was pretty easy work, but I lost my diagram paper for the reconstruct so some of the dash lights aren't in the original spots. Also replaced some straight edge screws with some metric hex screws. Also replaced the floormat with carpet to make the cab more sound friendly. This spring probably will put in some dynamat. One thing I noticed driving the truck home from Pa to Massachusetts, was the deafening roar inside the cab of the truck. At least now I can hold a conversation in the truck.

It seems a mouse had at one time made the IFA it's home so there was some major maintenance to do.

cab1.JPG cab2.JPGcab3.JPG cab4.JPG

cab5.JPG cab6.JPGcab7.JPG cab8.JPG



Started welding the frame.

We got about 18 of inches of snow here in Mass, so before I go out and plow the driveway, just thought I would give a little update.

I am not an experienced welder, and did alot of practicing before I started putting together the few pieces that I did. Here are some pics from the good, the bad and the ugly.

I used the frame from the RV and attached it to fresh tubing. I had to be careful welding because the old RV frame tubing was considerably thinner than the 14 gauge tubing I was attaching. I burned through on my first weld attempt. An interesting note on the old RV frame, It was all tack welded frame. Didn't find a complete weld across any of the frame on the inside of the old RV.

PB290168.JPG PB290170.JPG
The last picture was my attempt at the roof frame. I was getting it started but when I tried to move it, a couple of weak welds gave way and I decided to save it for another day.


Should I sell it?

Well, I am at a crossroads here. Haven't posted for a while because of two things. The weather has been a b***h, and well, the other half has been one as well. Anyway, like alot of people do, we have decided to go our separate ways and now I am wondering if I should liquidate.

The problem. I love this truck, but I am wondering if life would be a little easier if the IFA found a new home. I could use the money, but would really miss this big old ugly truck and all of the plans I have for it.

I can always get another girlfriend right? Any advice is always appreciated.

The Adam Blaster

Expedition Leader
With te way the economy is right now, how much will you actually get for it if you do find a buyer?
A project and vehicle of this magnitude you could conceivably keep it for most of your life. I vote to hang onto it and try to keep the project going. Don't spend a lot of money on it of course, just chip away at it slowly.
Now that you don't have to plan around so many passengers/children, you can alter your plans a bit and reduce some of the complexity of the build.

If you still have the desire to travel in an enclosed vehicle, I would keep it. Think about how cool it will be to finish it and travel with such an excellent rig! :D


Tour Guide
Sell the truck

With four little kids in the mix, I'd sell the truck and use the money on some couple counciling and see if things can be worked out. Even if things are not perfect, it is better for the kids. Plans can always be put on hold, but families can't. That's just my two cents worth.


With four little kids in the mix, I'd sell the truck and use the money on some couple counciling and see if things can be worked out. Even if things are not perfect, it is better for the kids. Plans can always be put on hold, but families can't. That's just my two cents worth.

coming from an ALMOST broken marriage...(she had signed the papers and I was on my way to courthouse).....try and save it...

2 years ago I realized I spent too much time in the garage and not enough in the house with her and my daughter...

since then I got rid of..
plasma cutter
paid-for-house I built
rock crawler
BIG *** CHIP on my shoulder

this year we bought.....

new house that we BOTH liked..
new cars all the way around (she haddnt had a new one..and we can afford what she got)
started building the van into a FAMILY camper not just a towrig for the rock crawler and atv...
new FAMILY project car...everybody gets to put their own ideas into it..1959 ford farilane galaxy 500 (multi-winter project...she HAD to give me something to do otherwise I would go stir-crazy!)

2 new carseats
double stroller..
double EVERYTHING for our newborn twins...:Wow1:

and lemme tell ya man...Ive NEVER been happier in a relationship..we talk..we make sure we are both understood and we both respect eachother...its tough...I wanna go work in my garage every night...but I dont...cuz the rust will sand off...the lonelyness of a spouse just grows...

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