Well in a half *** attempt to updated you all on my truck...
here goes!
As i mentioned i was planning on replacing the god awful BFG AT's with some 37's well 37/12.5 Goodyear MTR's oh yea!!! no lift not even a touch on the t bars (rubs the inner fender a full lock but just a touch)
Added a Cobra 75 CB radio, the weather function is awsome!
As i mentioned last time i was planning a trip to utah and it was fantastic!!! had a blast. here are some pictures from that trip.
Camp ground after 1100km in one day Edmonton - somewhere in Idaho (got a lost sticker made up for the rear window):sombrero:
In Saltlake city
Zion National park (pretty amazing)
couple random pics from where ever
Our home for 4 nights in Moab KOA
Me and the GF at Delicate Arch (shockingly more amazing in photos than in person!?)
another random
long canyon trail (a little tight for a H2)
The standard long canyon pic
Meet some amazing BC people that were in Colorado for the FJ summit and were spending a week in Moab after, we wheeled Fins And Things with them.
On Fins and Things
Stopped in a the Bonneville salt flats on the way home
Tally for the trip
47 - pop tarts
$1200 - in gas (est) afraid to look it up :Wow1:
1-missing skid plate
7200km - in 11? days