Haha I know right? Who would have thought a Boxer would have a heart issue?

I've always had long haired fluffy dogs like Collies and Shepherd's, but this guy was my wife's choice. I honestly fought it for quite a while, but now that he's part of the family I couldn't imagine us not having him. On our walks if he gets scared he will literally hide behind me, but if my wife is walking him alone he becomes just about the most protective dog I've ever seen (not in a bad way - just becomes very vigilant and alert). I have a feeling when he passes we will get another one - probably black and white/reverse brindle like him too!
So I was hoping to find the "weakness" in my setup on this trip to Moab. I had booked a trailer to haul the Jeep down on a flatbed, but the trailer I picked up didn't have working breaks and my buddy and his wife bailed at the last minute too. We instead elected to ditch the trailer since it was only my wife and I with the dog and just drove the Jeep. I was honestly not looking forward to 6 hours in the Jeep over multiple high alpine passes with a huge snowstorm predicted, but it drove remarkably well and didn't miss a beat. When we hit the trails it crawled over everything so easily I actually never required a spotter, and the guy I met up with in a pretty nicely built TJ on 35" KM2s was very impressed with the JKUR. At this point, I cannot think of anything I would change on the Jeep which is quite shocking to me. I thought for sure I would want deeper gears, but the 4.10s were more than adequate for everything. I usually travel light though, so some who tend to pack a lot of heavy stuff might have a differing opinion. It's a nice feeling that I can hop in the Jeep, drive for hours on end, hit some trails, air up and drive home without any worries...that's kinda what my old Land Cruiser was like, but this JKUR can easily tackle much harder trails much more easily!
I actually have better pics of the dog than I do of the Jeep in action!