"The Border Runner" build thread: '87 4runner built for epic PanAm journey


Thanks guys I was thinking about the day to day stuff so appreciate the answers addressing that. I recognize having it removed for a wreck would be unfortunate, so the plan is to take er easy and not crash :smiley_drive: Look forward to future updates.

edit: We all know crashes can happen at any time and are never planned. Safety is an important factor to consider but as mentioned, crash safety was not likely a design priority in the early 80s like it is in more modern vehicles. If a person is going to drive an older vehicle that much will have to be accepted.
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Thanks Anarchy Joe. It looks slightly less nice after the winds in Northern Peru blew off a piece of the bumper, but she cleans up ok :coffeedrink:

What part blew off? I have a couple of sets of the rear bumper plastic pieces if that is what you guys need, front pieces too I think...

Ruined Adventures

Brenton Cooper
What part blew off? I have a couple of sets of the rear bumper plastic pieces if that is what you guys need, front pieces too I think...
It was the front bumper plastic end cap (driver's side). If you have one, let me know and I'd be happy to buy it (shipped to 28739). Unfortunately I didn't immediately notice it fly off because I was too focused on keeping our rig between the lines. Ugh, that was NOT my favorite drive so far :Wow1:

You can kinda tell in these two photos...ignore the black water bags hanging on the bumper in the 1st photo.

Laguna Colorada, SW Bolivia

Exhaust repairs in La Paz

Ruined Adventures

Brenton Cooper
Here's another photo I just dug up...


It's pretty wild to think, we may have reached Argentina/Chile in March 2013...but we still won't be completely finished with our trip until sometime around New Years 2014. :Wow1:

I guess we're trying to drag this thing out as long as possible.
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I might have that bumper piece too. I have bin full of 4runner stuff that I have stashed through the years, and I used to have a set of those. I'll check.

Welcome back to the States!


Hey guys, sorry, I should have looked before I offered but I only have rear bumper plastics... I used to have the entire front bumper since I replaced it with an ARB, but I do not any longer.

Welcome back stateside :-D

Ruined Adventures

Brenton Cooper
Hey guys, sorry, I should have looked before I offered but I only have rear bumper plastics... I used to have the entire front bumper since I replaced it with an ARB, but I do not any longer.

Welcome back stateside :-D
No worries Gene, maybe Austintaco has one we could buy.

Thanks for thinking of us and thanks for the warm welcome. I'd love to see a pic of your 4Runner with the ARB, I'll bet it looks awesome


The ARBs look really classic on the 1st gen 4Rs, IMHO.

I didn't want to clutter your thread with images of other trucks, so here are some links ;-)
This is my old 88 that I have from '99 to 2009 (95k-->235k miles, not bad for the 3.0 :)
This is the 86 I currently have... I have an All-Pro rear bumper that was on both 4Rs.

I can't believe you guys have been on the road for over a year... it seems like only yesterday we were wishing you guys bon voyage at your party. The stories y'all must have...... :-D
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Awesome runner. I really took note of your set up in the back. Makes me want to buy a shell for my Tacoma and move out of my house.

Keep the updates coming.

Ruined Adventures

Brenton Cooper
The ARBs look really classic on the 1st gen 4Rs, IMHO.
I completely agree. I've always wanted an Aluminess bumper, but built with the ARB looks...best of both worlds, lightweight with style. I'm not a fan of how the Aluminess looks, but that's just my humble opinion.

Your 4Runner looks great and I've always wondered what a 1G 4R would look like with the Tacoma wheels. Yep, it's hard to believe we've been gone for that long. We've got some decent stories but nothing of danger or mishaps, mostly just tales of friendly encounters and good culture. BTW, if you guys ever find yourselves in NC you better get a hold of us! We'd love to see you too again!

Thanks Wainiha, you could totally save some money on rent/mortgage!


Ditto on Aluminess. I dig the light weight concept but man are the pricey, and I don't like the styling pic2 pic3. In pic2, it kind of reminds me of Bane from the last Batman movie... It's hard to beat the styling of an Aussie Roo Bar :-D

Before I sold my 88, I swapped the 16" Taco's rims/tires onto the 86, the 15" 88's SR5 alloy rims and BFG-ATs onto the Taco, and the steel 86's rims/tires onto the 88 (the old alloys felt much lighter than the factory steels, even with slightly larger tires!). Fortunately the 15" SR5s fit the Tacoma and clear the TRD brake calipers by about 1.5 cm.

To be honest, I don't really like the rims that came on the Tacoma (on the 4R in the images), although they give the 4R a bit of an updated look. I have a set of black AR steel rims for the 4R (like these) to install at some date. And I'm looking for a set of ~2001 4R rims like these for the Taco.

It's interesting how much different wheels greatly affect the overall look of a vehicle... and how obsessed a person can get about them. Ha!

Ruined Adventures

Brenton Cooper
Ha! I definitely see the Bane similarity. By the way, here is a 1st Gen 4Runner build with an Aluminess

Once we're back to work full-time (and I can waste money again), I want to find some 3rd gen 4R wheels like the last ones you showed. I think they look the best while retaining a factory look. Those black steelies will look pretty dang awesome too! Here's what the 3rd gen wheels look like on a 1G 4R, and I wonder how they would look painted black.

Speaking of wheels, check out these beautiful SR5 wheels that are for sale just down the street from me...


Too shiny for me, but they would look great on a stock cruiser. Kinda hard to imagine they'd only want $135 for the whole set, most folks try to price gouge for stuff that's held up that well.

You're right, it's easy to obsess! :sombrero:
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