Naysayers? Nah, but do have some questions for the gypsy lifestyle.
No house, apartment, residence, how do you take care of residency requirements for taxes and driver's license and insurance, a fender binder can bring this stuff to the surface, tags may not be properly registered to a residence, so how do you (we) take care of lawyer issues roaming the roads for a year?
Cruising sailors have a heck of a time, with mail, taxes, insurance, banking and hospitalization policies especially an HMO.
I'd be a little concerned with some overbearing child protection type someplace where they may frown on a baby living in a camper, they can't really fault anyone for economic conditions, but they may as to living conditions, we have such issues in RV parks with technically "homeless" dwellers regardless of their assets or income. It's more of an issue with school age kids being spotted during school and mom having to show home schooling documents, but living conditions can be critical in the eyes of some regulator type.
It might be good to address the legal issues encountered living on the road, while you can just pack up and leave in this country it doesn't mean things are that easy in reality. It could be a very helpful topic for those with the same dream. Technology will certainly be helpful.
I certainly applaud your sense of adventure, I'm sure your writing skills will take care of you and your family as well, you're a lucky guy to have the opportunity, even luckier to have an agreeable spouse with a baby!
On with the build, subscribed to your adventure!