Figured I'd show my current recovery gear. It's a process - a piece here, a piece there, and with two winch equipped vehicles (JKUR has an 8K on it), duplicating the kits isn't easy or cheap either. The JKUR has roughly 3/4 of the items in the truck. When we do snow runs, I throw the JK bag in the truck too to have extras.
So, in addition to the new 80' of 7/6" rope from, we have three 20K snatch blocks (ARB 9000, Warn 88899, Smitybuilt 9000), one 50' 3/8" extension, two ARB tree savers, a 10' rigging line, 30' ARB snatch strap, two Rope bones, two 4' chunks of 3/8 grade 8 chain, five 6.5T 3/4" shackles, three 6.5T 7/8" shackles, two hi-vis safety vests, leather gloves, three gear bags, and a fid. Not shown is the 14K PulPal - it's buried deep in the truck...
I will be making a couple soft eye extensions from the good sections of the old 7/16 rope to add to the kit. Splicing 12 braid rope isn't hard at all compared to all the Sampson double braid I did in the USCG, lots of mooring lines, and tow ropes, some of it 5" dia stuff.
A Power Wagon rarely gets stuck, but when it does, it's stuck. Having a large and varied selection of gear is critical for me - most pulls when I'm stuck involve redirected pulls to get a good angle and anchor point.
Of all the line pulled, 90% of it is either moving trees in the spring, helping others in the winter, or removing stumps at the house or for neighbors.