Interesting on the camptime roll cot stretching
One question does it return or stay stretched ?
The disco end shelf unit seems cool also told the wife if I got one the IV stand they have for it would make a great lantern holder
For me the upside is I can fit 4 camp time cots in less space than the disco and less weight
The upside is we need less tent with discobut straighter walls are important as sloping walls tend to loose floor space quickly with the height ?
Elefex you ever try that couch layout they show ? Is it real or gimmick and to uncomfortable or hassle etc...
The cot fabric will stay stretched and will not revert to its original form since it is plastic. However, you might not experience this unless you have been using the cot daily for several weeks or month. I noticed it after about 2 months of daily use. Other than that, it is a very good design and is a tad more comfortable than the other fabric cots. It is also a good option if you are anticipating hot weather.
The Disc-O-Bed could also be used as two individual cots so keep that in mind. It is also not light--the steel frame is much more sturdy than any other cot I've seen. . .I think it was originally built for military applications. I don't see this cot ever failing.
The couch layout is actually pretty comfortable, there will be a steel bar on your small-of-back area that would be pretty uncomfortable. It is not a problem though, just use a pillow or a cushion behind you when you sit.
Overall, I think the Disc-O-Bed is very versatile and I'm sure you'll be happy with it. At $130 per cot basically, it is a very good price. I would be willing to pay much more for a well made piece of equipment like that.