The camp cot thread; what's good, what's bad ...


I find a need for 2 cots- the Slumberjack for the "big" Coleman 4 person insta-tent is great. I really want a low profile cot for the 1 person low profile backpack style tent. Just cannot fond one that seems to be comfortable and easy to set up.


lost on the mainland
not sure these are big/wide enough but they are small and light enough

I find a need for 2 cots- the Slumberjack for the "big" Coleman 4 person insta-tent is great. I really want a low profile cot for the 1 person low profile backpack style tent. Just cannot fond one that seems to be comfortable and easy to set up.

this is what we use not backpack to heavy to big
but packs smaller than other cots and low profile if space is a concern in vehicle camping


I may have to give that Alps one a shot. I tried one of the other kind, real pain to set up, too many pieces. Thanks!


lost on the mainland
The alps takes a touch to setup pros the wide width ! Most cots are to narrow and my arms fall off !
Like anything smaller compact you pay the compact price for setup
They seem nothing like those other ones
We looked at those before cascade bought them out when they were that smaller company
And setup seemed way to much

So there is pieces but a way around it :)

Mainly the side bars you put together 3 pieces then slide in the sleeve getting the end in the pocket takes a touch of muscle my wife does it but 9 year old no way
What we do now is keep the bars in and just roll up the cots while long its very small round maybe just under 2 inches diameter
then popping in the legs is really quick maybe 15-30 second this way vs 3-4 or so minutes from total packed down way

I can snap some pics of two of them next to say a coleman stove or something to give you a idea of pack size just let me know :)

I may have to give that Alps one a shot. I tried one of the other kind, real pain to set up, too many pieces. Thanks!
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Love my REI Comfort Cot...VERY comfy! Also cool that the backrest can be adjusted so I can make it a chair, or just sleep with my head higher.


Just bought two of these on sale for 30% off. Lots of great reviews. I'll try them out and post up what I think. Just wanted to let folks know they are on sale right now for $104


Expedition Leader
Great thread! I have a winter trip to Death Valley coming up, and my father has agreed to join me, with the caveat that he is willing to camp as long as he doesn't have to sleep on the ground. I am excited by this, as for the last 40+ years, his idea of roughing it has been the Sheraton instead of the Ritz Carlton. Any local to SoCal know if Sports Chalet or REI rents out cots?


Great thread! I have a winter trip to Death Valley coming up, and my father has agreed to join me, with the caveat that he is willing to camp as long as he doesn't have to sleep on the ground. I am excited by this, as for the last 40+ years, his idea of roughing it has been the Sheraton instead of the Ritz Carlton. Any local to SoCal know if Sports Chalet or REI rents out cots?

Missed the March Death Valley trip. :(. If there is space to join, and the dates work, I have an extra Byer Easy Cot with a 3.5" self inflating pad (super comfy) available for use.:sombrero:


Breaker of Things
Alps Mountaineering Titan XL

Just received my Alps Mountaineering Titan XL Cot today (thanks to RememberTheFallen for the heads up about the 30% off REI deal) and thought I'd share my thoughts. This thing is HUGE! I'm 6' and 225 lbs and it dwarfs me. It has plenty of room to move around and roll over, and is quite comfortable. Heavy-duty construction and easy to put together, it feels like it'll last a long time. You'd better have a BIG tent if you want this to fit, however. It takes up the entire bed of my Ford Ranger. Stored folded up in it's case, it is only a little larger than a couple of 12 packs of soda. I'll have to take it for a weekend test drive and see how it feels after a couple of nights' sleep.

cot 3.JPGcot 2.JPG


Expedition Leader
What are you guys using to prevent the feet of your cot from punching down through the bottom of the tent? I just borrowed a modern day army cot with alum square tube legs and those raw ends are rough and sharp. I need something to soften them up. I'm thinking maybe something like this, but smaller



lost on the mainland
I know some use tennis balls with a X cut into it for keeping cots from going through the floor
not sure how small they would pack though ?


Expedition Leader
Brilliant. This cot is just a loaner, so two cans of tennis balls is perfect and fits my budget. Thanks!

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