The dieimma of purchasing a new Toyota


Like I said earlier, Baja racing, and support, has a different set of priorities from overlanding. Also, how many water crossings are there in Baja?

Depends on the season! Thought you were arguing the merits of snorkel for dust though???


It's not simply for show, though some people do use it that way. It does have a functional purpose:

If someone is putting mods on their vehicle that will actually see use, I think it makes sense. If someone is putting on mods simply for having a good set of photos to post on facebook, that's cool too, I just am not into that scene.

The guy even said he was leading most of the trip, of course his vehicle is going to have less dust in the airfilter.
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The guy even said he was leading most of the trip, of course his vehicle is going to have less dust in the airfilter.

Alright dude...I guess due to your infinite wisdom snorkels serve no purpose and all the people who use them are simply doing it for show....Man, I wish I was a know-it-all like you!


Alright dude...I guess due to your infinite wisdom snorkels serve no purpose and all the people who use them are simply doing it for show....Man, I wish I was a know-it-all like you!

I do believe you just like to argue. No need to get snippy. "know-it-all", is a good one...personally feel the older I get, the less I know...

The guy did say be a judge for yourself. I have determined that being the lead vehicle in dusty situations is the a good thing, quite the opposite with mud and water crossings, I let someone else go first. You might be be right, I very could well know-it-all! LOL!

I agreed with you in another post, snorkels do provide a function in certain applications, but for the most part they are a fashion accessary, aren't really needed by most offroaders/overlanders, they are simply a so many other trends that have come and gone before it.
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I do believe you just like to argue. No need to get snippy. "know-it-all", is a good one...personally feel the older I get, the less I know...

The guy did say be a judge for yourself. I have determined that being the lead vehicle in dusty situations is the a good thing, quite the opposite with mud and water crossings, I let someone else go first. You might be be right, I very could well know-it-all! LOL!

I agreed with you in another post, snorkels do provide a function in certain applications, but for the most part they are a fashion accessary, aren't really needed by most offroaders/overlanders, they are simply a so many other trends that have come and gone before it.

Is it that I like to argue, or that you don't like someone else having the last word, especially if that word is different from your own?

Anyways, I never really saw you agree with me on snorkel use, until now. In your previous posts you took a pretty strong, and decidedly subjective, stance that snorkels serve mostly a cosmetic purpose. I provided a video showing how a snorkel does have a functional purpose and you're only response was that the testing procedure was flawed.

We could also talk to the many people on this forum who themselves use snorkels on their rigs, but since you've never had a reason to personally use a snorkel on your rig, I guess their testimony wouldn't matter either...




The Credible Hulk
I'm in the same boat. Just read this whole thread. I am thinking of getting out of the Isuzu game and just getting a 4runner. I am tired of laying on my back in the garage on weekends instead of camping and exploring.
Is that why you never show up at ZuZoo? :D

Hey, nobody made you do frame-off restos on those Troopers, you could just drive them instead!


I will second someone else going first on water crossings. "Hey lets sink your vehicle instead of mine!!"

You first! ;)

Is it that I like to argue, or that you don't like someone else having the last word, especially if that word is different from your own?

Anyways, I never really saw you agree with me on snorkel use, until now. In your previous posts you took a pretty strong, and decidedly subjective, stance that snorkels serve mostly a cosmetic purpose. I provided a video showing how a snorkel does have a functional purpose and you're only response was that the testing procedure was flawed.

We could also talk to the many people on this forum who themselves use snorkels on their rigs, but since you've never had a reason to personally use a snorkel on your rig, I guess their testimony wouldn't matter either...

I was just talking...don't care one way or another if a person has a snorkel or not. I think most modifications are kinda silly for the most part, not just snorkels. I wouldn't get too upset over that. We all have different views on what is necessary and what isn't. Me personally, I like to keep to things simple as possible. K.I.S.S. method. :D

From other threads you post in, seems like you like to argue for the sake of arguing. Just an observation....which I think most of the people on here like to do, including myself. ;) It's all good my brother. Honestly, these constant battles over bullchit equipment is getting really old...not even sure why I participate in them.

Poor OP's thread has been ruined...wondered if what he decided. This "Toyota Guy" is rooting for the F150...
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New member
No decision yet. Off to drive a F150 today. Drove the Silverado yesterday. The Silverado did not have a snorkel but maybe the F150 will. Didn't see one on the options list. :snorkel:


Hey Mark, sounds like you and I have the same passions, bird hunting and fly fishing. I just bought a 2016 Tacoma. It's a 4x4, double cab, TRD off road edition. What you described in how you'll use it is exactly the way that I use mine. I don't do trails just to do trails, I use it to hunt and fish, and that can take me into some tough areas. Now let me give you my take on this rig.

I traded in a good truck, a 2002 Silverado, 4x4, crew cab, with the diesel motor. That was a great truck! That thing took me almost everywhere that I wanted to go. My other car is a 2012 FJ Cruiser (wife's). Another great rig. Between these two though, neither was quite right. The Chevy was a little more than I needed, in terms of a truck, and the FJ isn't quite big enough to haul everything and the dog. I think that the Tacoma is just the right size. I've taken it out for quail and chukar several times and it hauls everything that I need, and the dog too. The back seats lay flat, so that's where my dog normally rides. Mine came with a tonneau cover, and as nice as it is, I'll be getting a shell in the not to distant future. As far as handling tough trails, this thing is AWESOME! I've got some rough areas that I need to get into...Mojave Desert chukar hunting, and this truck just plain handles it!


I didn't go with the 4Runner because I think it would have been just a little to small. I really don't look at my Tacoma as a true truck, it's more like a SUV on steroids, but that's OK for me. The day after I purchased it I took the family to the Grand Canyon, that's me, my wife, my 20 YO son and my 9 YO daughter, oh yeah, and the dog. I have an old military trailer that I tow, I carry all of the camping supplies in it. The truck did great. I'll guess that I was towing close to 2000 pounds. I wouldn't want to tow a heavy load with this truck, but I'll bet a small boat or camper would do OK behind it. The only complaint was from my son, the back seats are quite a bit smaller than the Chevy, and he was a little cramped, not horribly, but definitely not the same as a full size truck. If I need to haul something big, I'll throw it into the trailer and get it that way.

Now, the off road system. I love the traction control on here, The MTS (A-TRac) works phenomenally. The crawl control works too, but I don't think it's needed. Everything that I do with the crawl control, I can do manually, without it. Although, if I get stuck in the sand, like in the commercial, I'm sure that I'll be singing it's praises. The locker is awesome. I haven't had to use it much (maybe 2-3 spots) due to the MTS, but it's there when you need it. I thought about getting a base model and having front and rear ARB air lockers installed, but I'm glad that I didn't and here's why. My previous experience with A-TRAC on the FJ showed me that this is a great system and would get me through almost everything that I need, this in combination with the rear locker is a great combo, if I'd of gone aftermarket lockers, then the price difference would have been negligible if at all, plus the factory system is under warranty, in the unlikely event that any of it breaks, I'm covered for 100,000 miles ( I bought the extended warranty, through my credit union for about $800.00). This is why I didn't go with he base model. Plus all of the other creature comforts are really nice too.

This truck rides really nice around town and on the highways. It's my daily driver and really comfortable. I had no problems driving it to the Grand Canyon, the seats supported me well the entire time. I'm 5'9" so maybe if you are taller that may be a point of concern, but for me, it fits great.

My only complaint is the MPG. It's not great. My average is just over 16 MPG right now. I got 15 MPG in my old diesel full size. Now I know that's comparing apples and oranges, but still, 16-17 for a small truck doesn't seem quite right. I wish Toyota would put a diesel in the Tacoma, I'd trade mine in, in a New York second for it. I wished that I'd of looked at the Chevy Colorado with the diesel in it. The truck does get up and move though, definitely more power than the FJ.

So, do I regret buying this truck? Not in the least, it's a great rig for what I need and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Feel free to ask any questions that you might have, I'll answer tot he best of my ability.


New member
drove the 2015 Ford F150. I can see why they sell so well or so many. I tried out the 2.7 eco. I didn't get a chance to take it up any grades or off road or anything but its nice on the highway. I'm not finding them around here for sub $30K in crew cab, they seem to be around at $34-$36K. I read the post fro MojaveJohn and I'm right back to the Tacoma. That is my kind of country. The Silverados and F150 are larger and really the same or less in price if you are willing to go to the leftover 2015 units. I dont get the gas milage on the Tocama. I don't think the gas milage in F150 or Silverado is even close to what they say, at 5000 to 12000 feet above sea level.


New member
im sure there is a bump for the crew cab. Still the crew cab is less than a tocama crew cab. Funny on the F150 you are sitting up a little higher in relation to the hood so the truck doesnt seem as big as it is. The Tacoma you are sitting low and the hood feels tall, makes the truck seem bigger than it is. I'm 6'1". You sugestion of the F150 has certinally hit home with me. I may end up with one. I did like the post from MojaveJohn. There are no TRD off road 2015 in denver and the 2016 units are around $36 to $38K.

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