One thing that no one realizes is that these fridges behave like living breathing things, IE.
Pack it one way and you will see it's temperature drop several degrees below the desired setting, Pack it again and it will drop to the desired setting, Repack it again and it's run cycle will double and it's OFF cycle will be short, Pack it again and it's run cycle will be short and it's off Cycle will be long,
Some short Run cycles can chew more Ah and some Long Run Cycles can chew less Ah, Then the internal temps can mess around with the Temp at the bottom can drop below the set Temp and at the top of the basket the temp can be warmer than the desired temp, Repack the fridge again and the Temp in the bottom will match what you have the fridge set too and the Temp at the top of the basket will match what you have the fridge too,
Then comes the power draw Pack the fridge and let it settle for 24 hours and start the test and it will chew 9.527Ah over a 24 hour period then another day you will repack it on another day and do the same set up as before and then the fridge will chew 14.5Ah, Go through the whole set up again 3 weeks later and it might chew 23Ah,
All of this I have seen happen in matching Ambient Temps with 6 different fridges, Don't panic thinking there is something wrong right away because even with all the multiple repackings listed above No fridge will mimic how it behaved on a prior date unless it has been left packed as it was on the previous test, These fridge are Automatic and they adjust them selves accordingly, Disturb the contents and it will behave different every time, And your house fridge does exactly the same,
The Fridges Temp readout will always remain constant but if you go adding a thermometer sensor from another thermometer you will see the internal temp rise and fall all over the place this does not mean the fridge can not hold it's Temp setting, Remember Fridges live and breath and they adjust them selves all the time which is why one hour you will see the fridge do a 17 minute and 8 second Run Cycle and undisturbed 3 hours later you will see it do a 16m 49s run cycle and the next time it runs it will do a 17m 35second run cycle and just as the run cycle keep changing so does the OFF Cycle getting longer or shorter with each cycle,
The best way to get a good average power draw and temperature average is when you pack the fridge leave an Air gap all the way round the edge and leave a Gap in the middle front to back with a side opening fridge or Left to Right across the middle with a Fridge like the ARB's and the Engels and the New End Opening CFX3 models,
DON'T waste your time trying to test your fridge beyond a basic power draw and to see what it does at different Temp setting, Once you have done that forget doing anymore testing, I started testing 4x4 fridges 4 years ago and I have been doing it ever since and all of the above has happened every time, You will never get 2 tests to match unless you leave the fridge and contents undisturbed,
Just enjoy your fridges for what they are and don't put your self through such torment,
Good Luck and have fun,