The Excuse: A 4400 Mile, 12 State Adventure
Part 4: A Closed Road
Day 3 in Utah would be another eventful day. The morning was a little cloudy but the scenery was absolutely beautiful! It didn't take long for us to make our way down to the blacktop.
Once on the main road, we stopped to air the tires back up. That ended up being a mistake because we were very close to being back on dirt. The locals came over to greet us. Sarah tried to offer some snap peas to them, but they had no interest.
As usual I neglected to get a picture of this next part. Just a few miles from where we aired up the road we were on, Cottonwood Canyon Road, became dirt again. At the same location it intersected with Kodachrome State Park Rd which remained paved. The problem is Cottonwood Canyon Road had a sign blocking half the road saying it was closed after Grosvenor Arch which was less than halfway down the road. As far was we could tell we didn't have a choice but continue or spend a day backtracking.
We turned towards Kodachrome State Park and the small guard station. When we talked with the ranger he looked out the window at our truck and said "It's just a little muddy, you guys should be fine". Great! That's all the permission we needed. We took off towards Grosvenor Arch and planned to follow Cottonwood Canyon Road until we reached our destination near Page AZ.
The road was a little muddy towards the arch, but nothing we couldn't handle in 2wd.

Grosvenor Arch was definitely worth the side trip! Soon we made our way back to Cottonwood Canyon Road and past the closed signs. Our next stop would be the Cottonwood Narrows. They were incredible! A mix of white and red rock that was unlike anything we had ever seen.

Soon after leaving the Cottonwood Narrows we met an oncoming white pickup truck. My first thought was it was a ranger truck, but it ended up being an older gentleman that wanted to let us know the road ahead got much worse. He said there were many washouts and mud pits 40+ feet long. He also looked at our truck, shrugged and said we'd probably be ok.