The family heirloom - M416 B1

1 Bored Clerk

Well, an entire year has gone by (or a little more) since I updated this. I have taken the trailer completely apart and had the lower half sandblasted on Monday. (everything except the tub and fenders). I will be painting all of those pieces this weekend and will post pics with the trials, tribulations, and, hopefully, success on Sunday/Monday. I just got into other stuff and the trailer sat...and sat...and sat. I'm excited to get the project going again!

I have new springs, shackles, shocks, and some other stuff. I'll be ordering a new Dexter axle with electric brakes and parking brake. Trailers with brakes are awesome so I decided to go for it. I still have the original axle and will keep it...for historical reasons. Haha...


Wondered what had happened on this one. Sometimes life gets in the way of these projects and it takes longer than expected. Glad to see you are keeping the original axle. You never know when you may go back to it. My CJ rims fit the original so I used it and even bought an extra one for 20 years from now when they do not exist.

Post some pictures!!!

1 Bored Clerk

Sandblasted frame -


I then painted everything with two coats of KBS Coatings Rust Seal. It looks good from a little distance. :)


The Rust seal is very runny and I brushed it on as spraying is messy. So, I chased runs all over the place before I stopped worrying too much about it (in areas you can't see anyway). This coating is to protect the bare metal from moisture/rust. It is very hard yet flexible (according to KBS) but it needs a topcoat on any surface that will be exposed to UV. So, I will be topcoating all the visible stuff this weekend. I'll have to scuff up the surface with 300 grit then spray on some self etching primer...then spraymax 2k spray paint. You'll see the color next week if it goes well!

I'll be ordering tires in the next week or so along with a new dexter axle with electric trailer brakes. Some new hardware and some wrenching and that will complete the frame! Then I can hit up the tub and fenders which will be a big job since the floor will likely need replacing and a patch panel put in the back corner. I'm also going to try to straighten out a few dents and twisted bits as long as I'm in there. Stay tuned. I'm on a roll now!!

1 Bored Clerk

Well, the weather was not cooperative last weekend to topcoat the trailer frame so that will have to wait until this next weekend (fingers crossed). I did just order new tires and tubes though!

6.00 x 16 NDT square shoulder tires and the proper tubes to go with. I looked at putting a radial tubeless tire on there but there isn't anything that is really close to the same dimensions as the military version. Besides, the military tires with tubes are about the same price or cheaper than any radial that looks even half as cool. :drool:

Maybe I'll get my axle ordered this week too...we'll see... That would be HUGE from a mindset perspective. I can have a rolling chassis as soon as I get the axle!

3d fj

Well, the weather was not cooperative last weekend to topcoat the trailer frame so that will have to wait until this next weekend (fingers crossed). I did just order new tires and tubes though!

6.00 x 16 NDT square shoulder tires and the proper tubes to go with. I looked at putting a radial tubeless tire on there but there isn't anything that is really close to the same dimensions as the military version. Besides, the military tires with tubes are about the same price or cheaper than any radial that looks even half as cool. :drool:

Maybe I'll get my axle ordered this week too...we'll see... That would be HUGE from a mindset perspective. I can have a rolling chassis as soon as I get the axle!

Where did you order them from? (if you don't mind, how much?)

1 Bored Clerk

I didn't find a huge range in prices. Around $120 a tire and $18 for a tube...average. Shipping sucks, though. I got mine from Kaiser Willys. As stated, though, there are a lot of places to get them. I would shop around and see what you can get for shipping from different places.

1 Bored Clerk

I got all of the frame 'parts' painted today! I COMPLETELY underestimated the amount of paint I would need. Super rookie maneuver. :eek: Anyway, I love the color and can't wait to get the frame weekend. I'm going to order more than enough to paint the frame as well as the trailer tub and fenders. At this rate, I'll have a rolling chassis by this fall but won't have a tub until next spring. Mostly because of the whole painting outdoors/weather thing. Fingers are crossed but I'm trying to be realistic. Anyway...on to the couple of photos I took:


Cement Gray from the new TT FJ's! I really dig the color and it is pretty much what I had in mind from the time I decided to start this whole project!

I can't wait to get this thing put together...I think it's going to look awesome! (from across the street...I'm no painter) :)

1 Bored Clerk

Tires and tubes showed up today! These things look pretty dang cool when they're new. I've only ever seen really old, cracked, worn ones.

photo 4.JPG
photo 3.JPG
photo 1.JPG
Gum Dipped?
photo 2.JPG

I'll get them mounted on the rims next week!

1 Bored Clerk

Well, I finally got the entire frame painted...and painted the wheels again because I found some light spots. Anyway, work will continue. Hopefully, I'll have better updates shortly: tires on wheels, axle on order/arrived, and bolting it all together...etc.


Still need to locate LEDs for the tail lights...

1 Bored Clerk

Tires on rims. Done.

photo 1.JPG
photo 2.JPG

Will be sorting through my box of rusty broken bolts today/tomorrow to figure out how much of each size I need to order. Then I can actually start bolting the frame together.

1 Bored Clerk

I've been wrapped up in my custom rock slider project for a while but I was finally able to get a little bit done on the trailer today. I cleaned up the garage and got some parts bolted up to the frame. Progress should be easy to make now...even if it is spread out over a long time. I'm in no great hurry as I feel I have a few months before I'll have need for least until June.


Small update but important because I have actually set up the garage to handle the project a little better. When you're working in a space this small, you have to rearrange the whole place for each new project.


The M416 did not have a tailgate because the tub was designed to be water tight. Reason being when towed by a jeep and fording a creek the trailer had some bouyancy and not bog down the jeep.

The tub drain holes are in corners diagonal to each other. If you store it outside place a block under the landing leg so the rear of the tub is low. Also place a block under one tire to tilt the box so the corner with the drain is lowest.

Verify the drain is open and periodically clean debris out of the drain hole.

M416 tubs rusted out because they held water when stored.

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