Thank you for the reviews- very helpful! So many "reviews" out there are from people just pushing product. So thank you for your efforts!
I am curious why you rate the Sorel XT's 1st given the heel slip issue? (Not a criticism just curious) I have owned Sorel's and love them but was also looking at Baffin's as well. I love the cold weather and warm boots go a long way in allowing me to stay out for long periods of time.
*I suspect they were friendly to him because they felt bad he probably wasn't quite right in the head. Haha! Amazing adventure!
Well there are 2 or 3 Serious reasons why the Sorel Glacier XT's are better than the Baffin Impacts.
1) I know the Baffins give you that foot hugging feeling no matter if they are done up or not because of the linings but under their advice I bought a size up and because I have normal a Calf size No matter how tight I synch down the Ankle Straps on the Baffin Impacts I run out of adjustment which means I have ALWAYS got heel slip, Where as With the Sorel Glacier XT's even though they have a Feltpac type Lining there Is more than enough Adjustment to get rid of 98% of the Heel Slip, without restricting your Blood Flow where as although the Baffins have deep Spongy Linings they grip the Top of your Foot too much squashing the Viens restricting the Blood flow where after multiple tests my Toe's or the first 3 to 4 inches of my foot were much Colder than the rest of my foot also where I had tightend down the straps to try and stop the Heel Slip I had the Imprint weave patten of my Socks embedded along the whole of the top of my foot and then you also have the excess of the straps once they have been tightend down flapping in the breeze, where as that does not happen with the Sorel Glacier XT's.
2) Baffin might have a mega Temp Rating and super fat linings with 8 Layers of Insulation, The Sorel Glacier XT's are Warmer right from the Get Go, WHY ??? Well Baffin use what they call Thermaplush lining that is closest to your Skin/Sock, But Sorel use what they call Omni-Heat which is a Green Material that is foil backed so what this does within Minutes of your body heat reaching the material it is instantly reflected back at your Foot much like a Space Blanket and it is that good you can feel it happening even though I bought them a size bigger when with the Sorels I should of bought my Normal size.
Another thing to REMEMBER is that Sorel make 2 differant linings, and this is why you will see some people say "Sorels are **** My Feet Got Cold in them" The Normal FeltPac lining is made from Recycled Felt "ONLY", And the Other Linings are the Omni-Heat Felt Linings they have Aluminum Foil type stuff just under the inner lining and just below the Outer Lining making Two layers of it and this works really well where as some of their -40*c/f Boots that have the recycled felt feel cold at around -15*c, Where as the Sorel Glacier XT and the Sorel Caribou XT's BOTH have the Omni-Heat Felt Linings and they both get your Feet to normal Body temperature within 1 or 2* in No Time and they stay that way. If anyone gets cold feet in them then they need to see a Doctor real Quick or the have a Boot full of water or they're Dead.
Another Really Great thing about the Sorel Glacier XT Liners is on the Outside underneath and around the edge of them is they have something like Balistic Nylon on the Sole and edge which is very Tough so you can wear them as Camp Slippers or Booties etc, Do that with the Baffins and they will be wrecked in minutes.
3) Another Major Gripe with the Baffin Liners is they are not as tough as the Sorel Liners even though Baffin say they can be worn round camp, They are NOT Remotely at the same level of Toughness as the Sorel Glacier XT liners, Not for One Second.
Picture this ?? I had just finished testing the Baffin Crossfire's and took the Lining out to dry what little moisture there was in them after a Days wear and I place them near the Gas Heater and as I looked away and looked back the Lining started to fall over standing about 12" away from the stove while it was on a Low Heat and before I could reach down to my side to grab it the moment it Touched the hot metal on the stove it had burnt a Hole in the Liner about the size of the End Section of your Thumb and that took less than 1/4 of a second ruin it, Yes it was My fault for putting it so close but say if you were Winter Camping and a spark spat out of the fire Pit it would do even more damage and your Trip would be Over.
Baffin Liners are seriously expensive where as the Sorel Glacier XT Liners are about $60.00 CAD and from the Stores you can pick them up for about 25 to 45 bucks a pair, Another major issue is trying to find the Baffin Liners Not to mention the Cost and Now Canada Goose have bought Baffin the prices will rise,
Another Pain is the Baffin Liners are a Ratbag to try and pull out, They Go In fine but there is No Way could an Older or weaker gentleman or an average or small Lady persuade them to come apart, Not A Chance. They Even had me Cussing. The Baffin Impacts could be so much better if they had more Adjustment on the Ankle Staps and way way Tougher Linings but because their linings are so fat no matter how much you synch them down your Toe's will Never be as warm as what they will with the Sorel Glacier XT's or the Caribou XT's,
Just remember with the Baffins Size UP One to Two Sizes and with the Sorels Buy your Normal Size unless you want to wear an Extra Pair of thick Socks Like I Did hense the small amount of heel Slip because I have not bought any "Really" extra thick socks as of Yet. The Only Sorels I would "ALWAYS" size Up are the CONQUESTS because the outer does not have the Give in them as the other boots.
Hope that helps.