What a trip! Just got home a few hours ago from one the most eventful trips I have had in a few years. All in all turned out to be a really fun trip.
We got out of town around 6am Saturday morning and headed towards Globe to meet up with Rich (conejo), and Jim (blue10). One our way towards Oracle I spotted three very impressive mule deer buck off the side of the highway so we stopped and watched them for a few minutes.
We got back on the road and got to Globe to meet everyone with perfect timing. We then headed up towards the mountains crossing the Salt River.
We had traveled a short way down Cherry Creek Rd. when the day started to get interesting.:Wow1: We came around a corner and spotted a Bobcat heading up away from the road. Out of habit I called out on the CB for everyone else to see and began to stop in hopes of getting some pics. Rich was behind us and saw the bobcat but didn't see us stopping until it was too late.
The impact was probably less than 10mph but my steel trailer and his plastic front end were not match.
Luckily the trailer can be easily repaired but the FJ might be an expensive one. Everything was cosmetic so we were able to continue.
Soon after we arrived at Cherry Creek and were making our first crossing.
Jim decided to give me a little better action shot.
As soon as Jim hit the water he let off and hit the brakes, little did he know the concrete was covered in algea and super slick. His FJ finally came to a stop a little past where he had anticipated.
So now your probably wondering how this could all be possible? None of us were acting like idiots and no one had been drinking. I think there was some unknown force working against Rich's FJ. Needless to say everyone felt really bad but Rich was in good spirits about it. Back door would no longer open though.
Again we pressed on, hoping nothing else bad would happen this day.
We arrived around 1pm at Devils Chasm where we had planned to camp that night. We hadn't expected to be there that early and it was still quite hot out so we decided to continue and try to make it to Reynolds Creek where we were planning to camp the second night.
We got out of town around 6am Saturday morning and headed towards Globe to meet up with Rich (conejo), and Jim (blue10). One our way towards Oracle I spotted three very impressive mule deer buck off the side of the highway so we stopped and watched them for a few minutes.

We got back on the road and got to Globe to meet everyone with perfect timing. We then headed up towards the mountains crossing the Salt River.

We had traveled a short way down Cherry Creek Rd. when the day started to get interesting.:Wow1: We came around a corner and spotted a Bobcat heading up away from the road. Out of habit I called out on the CB for everyone else to see and began to stop in hopes of getting some pics. Rich was behind us and saw the bobcat but didn't see us stopping until it was too late.

The impact was probably less than 10mph but my steel trailer and his plastic front end were not match.

Luckily the trailer can be easily repaired but the FJ might be an expensive one. Everything was cosmetic so we were able to continue.

Soon after we arrived at Cherry Creek and were making our first crossing.

Jim decided to give me a little better action shot.

As soon as Jim hit the water he let off and hit the brakes, little did he know the concrete was covered in algea and super slick. His FJ finally came to a stop a little past where he had anticipated.

So now your probably wondering how this could all be possible? None of us were acting like idiots and no one had been drinking. I think there was some unknown force working against Rich's FJ. Needless to say everyone felt really bad but Rich was in good spirits about it. Back door would no longer open though.

Again we pressed on, hoping nothing else bad would happen this day.

We arrived around 1pm at Devils Chasm where we had planned to camp that night. We hadn't expected to be there that early and it was still quite hot out so we decided to continue and try to make it to Reynolds Creek where we were planning to camp the second night.