The great white fun hog (another white GM awd build)


Tell us more about your water tank. Is it stainless? What's the capacity? Will it be mounted to the frame or body? It looks really sweet.


Weekend warrior anarchist
Tell us more about your water tank. Is it stainless? What's the capacity? Will it be mounted to the frame or body? It looks really sweet.

Yes it is stainless steel. Leftover 6" pipe from a job. Capacity ends up about 8.5 gallons.
It will be mounted to the frame with some type of clamp. Still not sure how that is going to look just yet.


Weekend warrior anarchist
Have you installed the seat swivel yet?
Ummmmmmm no. Not yet. I have had the parts to build it in my car for weeks now, but just can't seem to get motivated.
I have been learning to do CAD drawing so that is taking up most of my free time.
I'd like to say it will get done this weekend but I would be lying there are motorbikes to be ridden :roost:


Weekend warrior anarchist
Building tank mounts today. And I ordered a water pump and blue sea battery ACR.

Any suggestions for good quick connect water fittings?


Weekend warrior anarchist
Water tank mounts all welded up. And I was able to get the tank bolted onto the van today.
IMG_20140726_084555 by boardrider247, on Flickr

IMG_20140726_084542 by boardrider247, on Flickr

Next up I put the water system aside and started working on the house battery setup. The main components of this are a blue sea automatic charging relay and a blue sea fuse panel. The battery is temporary, but hey it's agm and still works great so I'll use it for a bit.
IMG_20140726_102451 by boardrider247, on Flickr

IMG_20140727_105025 by boardrider247, on Flickr

For the battery cables I used old welding lead. It's heavy duty, super flexible and I get it for free!!! I use electrical tape simply for identifying positive from negative. The whole length of cable under the van is protected with smurf tube.
IMG_20140725_171320 by boardrider247, on Flickr

IMG_20140725_170513 by boardrider247, on Flickr

Shop dog
IMG_20140725_162901 by boardrider247, on Flickr

And my big *** house battery
IMG_20140727_105421 by boardrider247, on Flickr

All tucked away
IMG_20140727_111113 by boardrider247, on Flickr

Another small project was building a shelf for our cooler. I was able to get a bunch of perforated stainless steel off of a jobsite and figured it would be perfect for this.
IMG_20140726_082850 by boardrider247, on Flickr

IMG_20140726_082906 by boardrider247, on Flickr

Now we can keep the beer on the bottom and everything else up and out of any melt water


Weekend warrior anarchist
Cold side of the water system is done. I may try to clean up some of the routing at a later date. Hot side off of the engine is going to be a bit challenging to route the line cleanly.
that will have to wait a few weeks.

IMG_20140730_194416 by boardrider247, on Flickr

IMG_20140730_194543 by boardrider247, on Flickr

IMG_20140731_090335 by boardrider247, on Flickr

Run time to empty is currently about 5 minutes with the el cheapo shower head from the hardware store. I'll have to find a water efficient shower head to hopefully boost that up some.

Also added a switch panel and a few LEDs

IMG_20140730_194449 by boardrider247, on Flickr

IMG_20140730_194501 by boardrider247, on Flickr


Weekend warrior anarchist
Do you use a fork brace on your bike when it's tied down like that?

Sent via flux capacitor

I've tried using a fork brace a few times and always seem to have issues with bikes tipping over or getting loose. So I just gave up on them and haven't had any problems since. Knock on wood no problems with fork seals either.


Yeah, I've been trying to find a way that I can really get my XR held down outside the van that doesn't make me nervous...

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