Since we finished our first production run of our Rear Storage Trunk, this seems like a good time to go into detail about how I solved the relocation of my factory auxiliary battery and finalized the electrical system in my van. This part was again, a customer request from a handful of customers who were former E-series Sportsmobile owners. Apparently a rear storage trunk was a very common option for many of the E-series Sportsmobiles and sure seemed like a great option to have. At the end of the day, it's hard not to justify development of a product which increases the usable square footage / cubic volume of the van.
We'd also encountered a Sportsmobile Sprinter with a similar storage trunk fitted to the vehicle, albeit not as heavy duty as what we were looking to accomplish with this product, so we went about making a simple to install, heavy duty aluminum trunk specifically designed to fit the ribs and contours of the NCV3 Sprinter chassis.
We put together a detailed blog post of how I utilized the additional space the rear trunk provided here:
The short summary for what I did with the space was house three 100 AH batteries and install a Snugger diesel fired cabin heater. Realistically, you could use the space for a multitude of different options. I just found it to be a great location and simple solution for mounting heavy batteries and still be able to easily service or add to the power system of the vehicle all while keeping everything out of the elements.
Detailed instructions are on the product page here for those who are interested:
I got a little carried away with the plumbing of the cabin heater so that the lid could still open but I'm very happy with the turbo intercooler piping end result lol. And my dog Rufus sure did enjoy sleeping in the van this winter while I would go skiing because his bed sits right next to the heater outlet in the lid of the trunk.