Hey moose,Just an FYI, your cup holder listing has the description for a lightbar
463 Industries Air Vent Cup Holder for Mercedes G Wagon
Front seat cupholder that inserts into the G Wagon air vents. Nice design that flows with the G interior and gives you an additional cup holder option (or two) for the front seats of your Mercedes Benz G Wagon.jackwagonoverlanding.com
Hey moose,
That is very interesting.. Not sure how that happened but I appreciate you bringing this to my attention.
Will get this straightened up immediately.
Thank you!
Do you have a G already or are you looking? Happy to help in search of the G or finding the right parts whatever the case may be! Shoot me an email!Yeah man no worries, great stuff too btw. Hopefully I'll be shopping for some new G add-ons sooner than later! Cheers!
Do you have a G already or are you looking? Happy to help in search of the G or finding the right parts whatever the case may be! Shoot me an email!