The Jeep "things"... One and two.


Expedition Leader
Thank you sir! Glad your along for the ride. :)
Today I stopped by the main recycle center just for a quick peek. I really, REALLY don't need to be dragging any more junk...uh, stuff home! But it was on the way. (lame justification!) Well... I quick glance showed me a full duffle bag laying on the top that was partially open and had a light lens poking out of it. Seems some unit must have chucked some of its old stock or maybe damaged/repaired parts...Not wanting to go through the bag right then I just tossed it in the Jeep and headed home. After diner I began picking through it and found a variety of different types and conditions of things. From a couple small marker lenses all the way to one headlight assembly from an M1 tank! No wonder the dang bag weighed a ton! haha! Most of it is pretty useless...though there may be a couple amber LED tail light assemblies that could maybe be used for something else? *shrugs* But the only worthwhile things I did pull out of the bag were two handheld spot/flood lights that are supposed to plug in somewhere. Why are these a score... well, just above the word Xenon on the back is the scripted word "Speaker". Same script runs up both sides of the handles! Uh huh... looks like these lights are made by non other than JW Speaker.!. Quality is really good but the downer is the little tag on the side of each that says 24V. :( I looked here:

and it shows the specks. I don't know if something is able to be changed to make them run on 12V but it would be nice to have! I'd have to change the plug as well since its some funky military style... but only if I can make it work on 12v. Anyone have any input... Stumpy? Hilldweller?? Buford??? ;)


Expedition Leader
Today was kinda a let down as far as progress. Last thing i tried was to install the snorkel but it isn't behaving and most of my tools are in the Scrambler. *Sigh* Oh well... gonna have a couple beers and then tomorrow I will try and make some more progress on the roof rack or something.


Expedition Leader
The slow downward spiral... Today I took the progress of the "free/cheap" roof rack and threw it back in the dumpster. Try as I may the stuff I was working with just was not wide enough to work. The basket portion was about 8-10 inches to narrow which made for "feet" that were just not supportive enough and an assembly that looked really bad. I don't mind making my own stuff and while it doesn't always look "professional"... I try to make it not look so hack. And with a 30 day field problem ahead next week I just new this needed to be shelved for now. I'll get back to building another one for it eventually but for now I'm just going to work on the Scrambler.
I did manage to get the snorkel mostly least on the outside. I'm gonna look into alternative air boxes before I get to crazy with it. I'd like to ditch the factory one and open a spot for a second battery there... That will be later as well though. Tomorrow is back to the ExpoScrambler and trying to make an exhaust system. :)


Expedition Leader

Back with a vengeance and updates... :)
Since I'm now on orders to get out of Germany (Yippie!) and back to the states I'm feeling the time crunch. With the goal (like I have a choice..haha) being to get both my CJ and the Black XJ ready for the boat ride home, I have been spending stupid amounts of time working on these. The CJ has been getting the lions share of the attention as it has the most need. The XJ hasn't been forgotten either, I promise. The small mountain of shiny new parts cluttering up my room will attest to this. :)
A while back I had ordered a DIY winch bumper from JCR. I have been very happy with it and think the kit was top notch. Plus it didn't cost a mint getting it shipped here. Plus the time saved not having to fab a bumper from scratch will be appreciated soon. But... me being me, I'm never happy to leave well enough alone.And while I am a fan of the ARB bull bumper design... I could never justify the cost of one for me. So... Being thrifty (cheap) and skilled (hack)... I broke out the welder and some plate and am building my own hybrid thing.... Its far from finished and the snow/salt here has been killing any temp paint I put on the thing.. but I'm happy so far. When its all said an done maybe it won't look so bad. :)


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Looks good! How are you able to form the strap steel around those risers? Are you using a press brake? How about the big radius at top?


Expedition Leader
Looks good! How are you able to form the strap steel around those risers? Are you using a press brake? How about the big radius at top?

The risers are 3/16s as are the flat stock (strap steel) so working with it is a little slow. All the metal was cut out using my trusty angle grinder (ugh) and then cleaned up with sanding discs. The flat bar I had thought to just bend in a vice but it proved to be more stout than I had thought..haha. Wanting to keep it as close to the radius of the curves and such, and not having a press brake, I used good old heat. :) Just laid the riser in the center and started with a couple tack welds to hold its position. Then when I got close to an area that needed a bend, I heated it slowly and applied arm pressure. Mostly it went really easy and only a couple times did I have to use the LFH (little freakin' hammer) to keep things in line. Once I made a bend I would follow behind with some more welds. Hardest part was really cutting out the risers and then getting them burned in straight. Thanks for the compliments guys... next weekend maybe I'll get the tubes done. :)


Expedition Leader
And its been about 24 hours of snow and salty roads and the bumper is already looking scary... lol! The road salt they use here in Germany is no joke! On a brighter note I did get a small package from 4WD hardware today... new JKS shackles and wheel spacers for the XJ and its 8.8 to come. :)


Expedition Leader
Today was pretty good even though I didn't get as far as I had hoped to with the bumper. 1st thing on my "Must do" list was to find a replacement rear wiper arm since someone was nice enough the break mine. I got lucky and the only newer model XJ there actually had one... I never realized they were different between the body changes. Mumph... guess we live and learn huh? :)
I got to messing with the exhaust bender they have at the shop hoping it would turn out a halfway decent bunch of bends for my "wings". Well... first run and I knew that was wishful thinking. Tube came out looking all mutilated and gnarly. Bah. So I guess I was lucky I had all the parts from the other XJs crappy brush guard since I was able to make those work. It took a lot of cutting, butt welding, and clean up but I think they are coming along ok. Got both the two mains pieced together and tacked in place ok. Then moved on to the two center ones, also done and tacked in place. But using the old tube had really set back the time versus progress since each part had to be cleaned of old A(and REALLY thick!) paint and then made to work. So by the time I got to the bottom parts I was running low on time. Plus other folks kept pestering me that they needed to use the welder. I felt a little bad that I was "hogging" it most of the day but the shop has two welders. Unfortunately the shop manager won't turn loose of the other one so more than one person can weld. He says "Its for shop use only".... Uh...WTH? Anyway... Not to be a jerk I let the welder go and then just started messing with stuff. I tried to use the torch to bend a piece of tubing for one of the bottoms but that turned out worse than the exhaust bender did! In the end I decided that it was just a bumper and since I don't have a Mandrel bender and I didn't want to cut and miter the lowers I went and gave the exhaust machine another go. Bending to roughly 60* it isn't nearly as bad as the 90* attempt was so I just ran with it. It took some effort since I'm no tube bending guru but I'm satisfied. One thing I did notice with how I chose to run the uppers is that when the lower is in place it would not allow me to change the marker light without removing the entire bumper should it ever go out. A little more head scratching and I got that one worked out as well. It sucks that I didn't have time to at least tack those parts on as well since that is nearly the last of the fab it needs. Oh well... Depending on how the week goes on the CJ I may sneak an extra day in of working on it just so I can pull the bumper, de-rust it, and finally hit it with some primer and paint. Kinda depressing putting all this effort into it only to see it rusting away everyday. Oh well.. It will be finished soon.
In my excitement to try fitting the winch and to see if my lights would fit as well I kinda forgot to take some progress pics. I'll shoot a couple tomorrow since its already dark out. :)


Expedition Leader
bump bump

Today I finished working on the bumper...Woot!
Got the winch in its hole and the thing put on the XJ for the last time. I drilled out the holes for the lights to mount but had to do some paint touch up so they aren't on yet. I also need to find some big electrical connectors for the winch wiring. I plan to move the control box and have some super thick ga wire, but no connectors. :( Hopefully I can find some tomorrow and then I'll try and get that done. Also need to clean the fair lead before putting it on. Otherwise... the build is pretty much done and I can move on to other projects piled mountain high! :)


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Expedition Leader
Thank you sir! All the actual "bumper" part (center line down) is all JCR's DIY kit. I just fabbed the upper and it came out pretty much like I had hoped. :)


Expedition Leader
For those that may be curious...I'm not dead but my conputer is. :( I've been wrenching like a fiend on both my CJ and the XJ while racing the clock. I'll be heading home to the states in less than 30 days and the process is a killer. Add to the regular move stuff, military processing hooha, and trying to get two Jeeps ready and I'm worn thin. I'll post up when I can... Cheers to all! :)


Expedition Leader
(almost) back from the dead...

Happy Easter everyone! I wanted to post up an update as life has been extremely hectic lately. I am currently sitting about 1000m from Arlington National cemetary as I write this. My new duty station is Ft Myer, Virgina and I'm still in a semi-transiant, in processing mode. No permenant place to live yet, all my house hold goods and both Jeeps are still not here, and I have only limited internet access right now. It may take me a few weeks to get more settled in but I felt like bringing any interested a short update.
As I posted last I was wrenching like a fiend trying to get the Scrambler and the XJ ready to get on the boat to ship. Well.... I did it! WOOT! Are they done and perfect? Not by a long shot..haha! But all I wanted to do was get them out of Germany which I did.
The Scrambler was the bigger pain because it was being sent on the Governments dime and therefore had to go through their inspection. After much hoop jumping and adjusting the brakes to the point it would barely move without applying them I got it passed. I'll have to bring a brake spoon with me when I go to pick it up so I can actually move it but whatever.
The XJ was just stressful for a couple reasons. Since I have never done anything like this before and it was a large chunk of my own money I was a bit worried about having it shipped. But really it wasn't that bad and the shipper did a good job of keeing me informed and helping me out. The other half of it was my own fault... deciding to "build" the Jeep with only a few days remaing before it was picked up. But build I did and I finished just in the nick of time. I was taking it for its first test drive and headed to the commissary to pick up some stuff when I got a call from the truck driver. He says "I'm here to pick up your Jeep"....Me? I'm like...Uh...CRAP! You weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow!!! So I rushed home and dropped off the groceries and cleaned out the unneeded stuff from the jeep and then drove to meet him. It was SO much less hassle than the military way I was amazed. But that may or may not be a big deal. I got an email from the shipper yesterday letting me know the jeep is in country now. But it is sitting in customs waiting to be scanned and inspected. ULP! They tell me this is done on a random basis and more often lately but I still am not sure if I should be worried or not. No... I am not some smuggler or anything...haha! But the XJ is not exactally a stock, normal looking jeep amymore. I can only invision the customs agents scratching their heads and wondering what the RTT is on the roof or what the fridge/freeze is in the back. I just hope they can figure it out without doing to my jeep what I've seen them do to actual smuggler's cars caught at the border! Yikes!!! So while I won't know anything until next week I am going to try and not dwell on it.
Once I get it back here to base I will pick up the build on both and hopefully not have any issues. All I can say is that I am VERY excited to be back in the good 'ol USofA!!!! And hopefully will get internet soon so I can keep you guys updated more. For now... here is a couple crappy picks from when I loaded it on the truck to be shipped. :)


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