The Life and Times of my Pajero


I got my Pajero in december 2009. It's a 2.8 diesel automatic :)() Jap import. I spent about 2 months hunting for the right one,most of them were a bit shabby and were showing their age,but this one was mechanically sound,even though it wasn't the most aesthetically pleasing. I was looking for a manual one,but most of the import ones here was auto,took a while to get used to it,and now I preach to everyone how great automatic is!

These are the pictures of how I got it. It was actually yellow with grime

Gave it a mighty good polish the first nice day we got. Started being a white pajero then.

It was a bit of a PITA not having any rear windows,and seeing as my friend did have some rear windows hanging around it would have been rude not to put them in. Also got the bug guard off him,as well as the headlamp covers,plus new alloys

The wheels started like this . . . they had been sitting outside for quite some time

Gave them a tidy up and some paint and they came out quite nice

Next up I needed some new tyres,and the old ones were a bit like driving on ice. These are Falken Land Air A/Ts. They were great when I got them,quiet,smooth and gripped well.

However they didn't clear the bumper too well

Fixed that problem with a scissor jack from my mothers car.

Seeing as I don't have back seats I needed to build something to stop all of my junk from flying around,and to also look neat. Built this storage box,that had an area for my sub and amp to be installed neatly.

A small while on from that,and my rear section of the exhaust and the rest of my truck parted company. I decided it would be best If I stuck this thing on,got me through some months,until the rest of the exhaust rotted away too. I also picked up a spoiler from a gen2.5 SWB

That exhaust hit so many things I don't know how it stayed on. Looked a bit nasty too.

First adventure then ensued. We drove some of the local mountains,got to the top of one of them and took some pictures

Then on the way down I had my first experience of getting stuck. Stopped dead and sank down into the ground until it was sitting on the chassis rails and diffs. Took a lot of digging and pulling to get me out of that one.

Didn't really touch the truck much then for 6 months because I was a bit busy. I finally had to pay up for a new exhaust system as mine had big holes appearing,and made a nasty noise that could be heard with the windows up.
Got this beast,A full stainless system from the turbo back. Made a nice improvement in power and there's a nice burble from it now with a heavy foot.

Didn't do any more to it then until the summer. That summer I turned up the boost,upped the on boost fuel pressure,and installed a new rad. Did a small bit more exploring too,but didn't take any pics.

Painted my rims again as they were getting a bit shabby once again

A few months later a met a few guys local to me that did a bit of offroading near by,and went out with them a few times. Had a whale of a time pushing my skills,rather than just taking gravel tracks everywhere. Got stuck a lot,but that was all just part of the fun!

A few more months of this and I was ready for another set of tyres,got the knobbliest ones that were available at the time,and put them on my original rims

However after them I also needed a lift. But being on a tight budget I opted for a budget lift. I got some rear springs from a LWB and wound up the torsion bars at the front.

And the result


Soon I whipped off the side steps as they were not being used.
Next I decided to make some under bonnet lighting using some LED strips i bought for a college project but never used. A very handy mod.

Took her offroad then,it was 1000 times better with the lift and the tyres,but the standard shocks were limiting it a bit. I got some from a land cruiser and put them in the back. These things are BIG!

Made a nice difference to articulation too,didn't have a high enough stack of stuff to drive onto to flex the rear all the way

I had to take off my anti roll bar at the rear as it was cramping my style. And managed to lift the rear wheel. Although the shock isn't extending all the way at the back.

Again I took it easy on the modifications for a small while. After seeing someone wreck the engine in a land cruiser in the same bit of water that i have driven through,I decided that i needed a snorkel. got it brand new for a fairly good price.

That's all I have done up until now. I'll keep this thread updated with progress and adventures as they happen.


Real nice! I love seeing builds from outside the US.

Quick questions, are the round headlights a SWB only item? Are they JDM only? Are they compatible with LWB trucks? In other words, how can I get my hands on those in the US?!?


Nice rig. Love the mudders. Are they the Simex Centipedes?

They are Silverstone extremes. A cross/bias ply When they start spinning you know you're stuck!

Real nice! I love seeing builds from outside the US.

Quick questions, are the round headlights a SWB only item? Are they JDM only? Are they compatible with LWB trucks? In other words, how can I get my hands on those in the US?!?

The front slam panel is different between the round headlamp ones and the normal ones. But it could always be done! They are generally on the JDM SWBs,the irish model swb has square ones. The JDM LWB also has the normal ones,which is odd. But there is one or two LWBs that came with the round lights.

Interestingly the japanese prado SWB and the suzuki jimny also have round lights,must be a thing over there.

I'd love a try off a petrol pajero


New member
Ha i knew it was Ireland when I saw the Rain. As a Wicklow man now living in California I can appreciate the Pajero. We have owned a couple and have had great luck with them. The first one was a 1989 Montero the second was a 1995 SWB Pajero with the 3.5l V6 another greta truck which ran like a raped ape. What is the off road sceane like back in the auld sod? when I left in 1989 as a young 18 year old there was not much going on just the occcasional trooper or land rover owned by a farmer. Anway love the photos.... here is a motivational video from Okinawa Japan. Slainte.


Ha i knew it was Ireland when I saw the Rain. As a Wicklow man now living in California I can appreciate the Pajero. We have owned a couple and have had great luck with them. The first one was a 1989 Montero the second was a 1995 SWB Pajero with the 3.5l V6 another greta truck which ran like a raped ape. What is the off road sceane like back in the auld sod? when I left in 1989 as a young 18 year old there was not much going on just the occcasional trooper or land rover owned by a farmer. Anway love the photos.... here is a motivational video from Okinawa Japan. Slainte.

Small world! I'm from Waterford county. There's a good scene after emerging here in the last couple of years thanks to a few forums. Theres everything from the tame to the extreme. Leinster4x4 operate from the wicklow mountains and own a good bit of forestry out there. I tend not to be in the mood for taking pics when it's raining,but the ground is wet in most of the pictures! You coming back for "the gathering"?

my Irish is quite poor but. . .
Is maith liom cáca milis! :sombrero:


Not really done much to my Pajero since I put up this thread. The injector pump was always leaking a little bit of diesel,but then it got shockingly bad and pretty much was a steady flow of fuel. I thought "how hard can that be to fix?" and bought a set of seals online. Got them all replaced and then the damn thing wouldn't pump any fuel whatsoever,so I had to pull it all back apart. 2 weeks of on and off pulling out and refitting and I got sick of it,and it's been parked up another 3 weeks,having only moved about 20m across my driveway.

The timing of the pump is out by a minute amount but needs to be exact otherwise it runs like crap. Hoping to be able to get it done by the end of this week with a dial gauge and she will be up and running again.

So while it was sitting up I got a bit of cabin fever and did something cosmetic to freshen up the rear end a bit. A bit of translucent matte black wrap on the tail lights


Finished product


I drove up from the south coast of the country up to the dead centre of the country to collect this for a knockdown price. I'm quite pleased with it. It is an alloy one,can be picked up with one hand,but it does offer a bit more protection than what is there at the minute. Tried to give it a little clean today,turns out to have a polished finish under all the years of grime on it. So I may paint it black.

However it may lead to spending more money,as eventually I might have to get a winch on a tray to fill up the hole,a never ending circle of money spending


Expedition Leader
Nice find. I'd just re-polish it then clear coat it to protect it from oxidizing. The silver matches your existing bumper.

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