The Life and Times of my Pajero


You removed Pedo-Bear? :Wow1:

Poor guy took a hit from a power hose. :sombrero:

Cleaned up my bumper today. Started like this:

After a bit of rubbing with some compound and elbow grease I had this,didn't take a photo when the outer bars were cleaned up. Thing was like a mirror and far too shiny for me.

So I roughed it up a bit,and took out the deep gouges with a file and sandpaper. Etch primed it,grey primed it,and gave her a few coats of satin black,now looks like this

Hopefully I'll stick it on the front of my truck on tuesday and put up pictures.


Got my bumper fitted,had to lose the driving lights because they didn't fit,but otherwise i'm happy with the fit. Need to fit my bash plates again.

Putting in a new flexi hose for the rear brakes tomorrow,because it can't be lifted off the ground without the brake line holding up the axle.

Also need to work out a way to retain my springs


Not a huge update,but with the weather getting colder my pajero was having a bit of difficulty starting on a cold morning,as it has been doing last year too,my starter was taking too much abuse cranking for ages before it would start,which was going to wear out my batteries. So I went out and spent some money on heater plugs,what a difference,starts on the button with no plumes of white smoke!

Heres a picture of them put in place,cleaned up the bar for them too. Also a pic of my lovely clean engine bay :sombrero:

Main point of this post is that I have done the deal on a UK import shogun with a locker that is the same axle ratios as my own,for a few hundred euro :) Do you guys think it would be better just to swap the diff or would I be better off swapping the whole axle? And will the LSD from the back of mine fit into the front of it? (despite the fact it sucks)

Also going to pull a few bits I need off it like the tailgate door hinge,and door striker plate,and a few other bits that take my fancy. And sell some bits off,It should pay of it's self from parting it out,as it can't be taken onto the road again. Which could mean free locker for me :wings:


This update contains both good and bad news

Bad news:

My pajero,despite having the correct mix of antifreeze and a religiously maintained cooling system,overheated the other day,cracking the cylinder head,she is blowing exhaust into the coolant :(

Good news:
I've sourced an engine from a friend of mine who is giving it to me for a good price,cheaper than a complete bare head,so that has cheered me up a bit :)


Another thread on here made me realise that I hadn't posted up any interior shots of my Pajero,and that it might be interesting for you guys to see the differences between the models,and some of the unusual stuff the Japanese ones come with

My pajero has been parked up with the last while due to the cylinder head cracking,and as it is also a workhorse the interior is really mucky,so apologies for that. The steering wheel is my old one,It was held together with tape because the leather started developing holes,and disintegrating in my hands,I put a new one in,and then took it out because my new shogun wasn't meant to come with a steering wheel

Whole dash:

Drivers side

Passenger side

Top cluster,I replaced the factory altimeter with a boost gauge,the altimeter was a small bit useless with the weather changing as much as it does here,and seeing as mine is tweaked a little bit it is good to see what is going on with the turbo pressure. My tilty-meter needs a bit of a top up with fluid too

Digital climate control,this is the newer version which was brought in in mid 95

CB and double din radio. The CB is in the cubby which I understand the US models didn't come with. I also made the torque converter lock at the press of a button because automatic diesels feel really strange,seems like they want to rev too high. The switch is for locking it up while the brakes are pressed (I have it set up to unlock when the brake lights come on)

Electric mirror adjusters,the switch to the right folds them,they are also heated. Folding them in by pressing a button kept me amused for ages when I first discovered it! The knob below that is a hand throttle,pull it out and twist it clockwise and it locks in

And most important is Pajero Penguin!

In other news I've recently bought this UK spec shogun 3L v6 petri, to swap the axles out of,as this one has a locker. Got it really cheap,and it also came with a 4M40 in the boot,to swap into mine :wings: The work will hopefully start tomorrow,and I will have a fresher engine and a rear diff lock in a few days time!


Hopefully this time tomorrow I will be able to update this and say that my Pajero is running again with the new engine put in it.

A few pics from along the way. I intended to take a load of pics but It moved fairly fast and before I knew it the engine is in!

Swapping stuff over:

For two engines that are the same a lot of stuff was different! The donor engine was out of a 98 Pajero,which has an electronic injector pump,and mine has a mechanical pump. There was no huge differences,but some of the coolant and boost pipes were different,as are the injectors,inlet manifold,vacuum pipes,exhaust manifold and a few other bits and bobs.

The engine hanging from the crane about 5 minutes before it was dropped into the engine bay

The reason of my overheating,though I'm fairly religious about how I clean my radiator this still was caked on the front. It didn't get hot under normal driving,but the time it overheated I was pulling a rather heavy trailer up a long steep hill.

So I bought me a little gauge to keep and eye on things to make sure I don't have to go through all of this again!

I must also plumb and wire in the pump and air lines for the rear locker,and bolt up the axle properly and then It will be ready to go! The prop flanges were different between the LWB and SWB but the joints were the same so we switched the flanges onto the joints and all is good again

I'll need to swap the front over at some point as the one going into the back is a 4.8 and the one in the front is a 4.636,but it is a step in the right direction for when it comes to putting on bigger tyres


Yesterday she fired right up! The new engine is so much quieter,the old one used rattle a bit,and make ticking noises. The new one has more of a smooth hum when it revs up. After a few teething troubles such as the earth strap and the wire to the starter she fired up on the first turn of the key.

I'm a very happy bunny!

Only things to sort out is bleed the rear brakes a bit better,sort a leak in the power steering,and attach the hand brake and she is good to go again. Today I plumbed in the compressor power,and a pipe that is to be routed to the outside and under to the rear axle.


I realised this hasn't been updated in many months! I haven't really done much to her other than drive it. The front diff was changed to a 4.875 to match the rear,I changed all the diff fluids,and engine oils. There has been an engine oil leak from somewhere on the engine,that is serious enough,but it is hard to tell where it is coming from,I hope it is something small and not the sump or the crank seal.

Recently I acquired some new shoes,35 x 11.5 15. Very heavy and power sapping,but perfect for the terrain we have here. I won't be using them daily so just for exploring and offroading. One is a simex and the other 4 are silverstone,which is the same as the 31s I had already,and I've great faith in them. For a size comparison there is a 31 on the left,and 265 70 15 falken land air AT on the paj,and the 35 simex on the left. for these to fit I had to do a body lift,which I'm not a fan of,but needs must. I've not fit them yet so I don't know what kind of trimming i'll need,but hopefully it will be minor.

Anyone got any suggestions on the colour for the rims?

In the future i'm seriously considering the tank tuck like eurosonic and offroader have done,after the body lift that big void ontop of the tank is painful to see,when the tank hangs down so low. I think i'll only lift the tank and not the rear rails,My tow hitch is only just low enough for some trailers as it is at the minute


Expedition Leader
Anyone got any suggestions on the colour for the rims?

Wow those are beefy. Color of the rims: Charcoal gray. Always looks nice with good tires:


Wow those are beefy. Color of the rims: Charcoal gray. Always looks nice with good tires:

I think I'll go for a colour like that,my offroad rims are getting fairly beat.

Over the weekend just gone we went for a camping/challenge weekend,5 minutes into the first day the temp in my pajero started rising,and a smell of coolant,heater hose had split. Parked it up for the first day and jumped in with a team mate. Second day we bypassed the heater matrix by shoving a 3/8 extension down the hose and clamped it,saw me through the day,and the 3 hour drive home towing my 35s in a trailer,though it was damn cold without a heater.

And a pic from the weekend



As usual I've not updated this thread in ages,not done much to the pajero in the last while. Bought these tyres for next to nothing to stop my other Silverstone tyres getting worn down

35" Cooper STTs,going to get them mounted onto my rims during the week,also ordered some new nuts to go with them because I lost a few of them when the wheel fell off in April. Next on my list of jobs to do is to sort the shocking oil leak from behind the injector pump,replace a wheel stud,and tighten the front wheel bearing.

I'll update the thread when i've the tyres mounted onto my wheels


Nice thred, dig the rig. I just bought a jap spec lwb pajero. I will see how much she can handle in stock form. If it wasn't for my Land Rover sucking up all my car funds I would love to play around with it, it's a great rig.


Once again I have left it over a year between updating the thread.

Got the coopers on the wheels and i'm really impressed with the way they are on the road. They don't perform great in the peaty and sticky soil were get here, but once you get them spun up they're fine.

Shortly after getting them mounted up I decided to fix a chronic oil leak I was having, it turned out to be the mounting face on the injector pump had cracked where it meets the timing case, and was pissing oil out from there onto the sump, along that, onto the front prop and getting splattered everywhere! Got that fixed and on the way home a small jubilee clip slid off a hose and dumped all the coolant out at 2am. Got towed back to my friends farm by him in his mk3, and left it there over christmas because I had family over and didn't want to spend the time away from home fiddling with the paj.

Ran great until July when it started leaking more oil, this time from the seal around the vacuum pump, and the banjo fitting on the high pressure side of the power steering pump, which caused a huge mess to build up in a 1hr drive. Other than that there was a wheel bearing needed tightened, a U.J. that went from a flutter to a full on rattle in the space of 10 miles, being a slight frankenshaft it was a total pain to find the correct joint but I got there in the end.

Mainly just been driving it, and not taking pictures. Here is one from a spot where most of the country has a picture of their car at, complete with dog turd on the tyre

What seems to be a christmas tradition is leaks appearing just as all the parts stores close up for christmas, it happened again this year when a pinhole appeared on the steel pipe for the cold start device on the injector pump, spraying coolant out. I patched up the pipe, and stuck a fuel hose over it, and went for a spin with a friend after Christmas,on what turned out to be the wettest day of the year, everywhere was flooded, including the roads by my house, which is on a hill. Bit of a dump of pictures here


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