Ok, updates may be slow because I'm still writing and editing this... but here's the first day
DAY ONE- Thursday 9.22.11 155 Miles
After hurriedly packing the FJ with Nick B and Jason, we were on the road at 5:00 PM headed for Concord. I would be driving for the whole trip since Nick B doesn't drive stick and well... Jason has crashed more vehicles than I've owned.
In the spirit of the trip we decided not to take the highway and instead rode back roads to get there. After a short stop in Concord (so I could buy jeans and underwear since I had been too busy to do any laundry before the trip) we headed to our first dirt road of the trip: Sandwich Notch Road.
Sandwich Notch Road winds North into the White Mountains offering little challenge, though at night it is relatively untraveled. The road had previously been closed due to flooding so we were happy to find that it had been repaired and open. At this point we made contact with Josh in the LX - they were on the way from Rochester,NH and needed food. What better place to eat when you're in the area than The Common Man?!
First we had to walk Adventure Dog and with the leash in New Jersey I found a suitable replacement...
Introductions were made, beer and burgers were consumed, then we were off to Sandwich Notch Road.
We made camp for the night in a cul-de-sac at the end of an old logging road, outside the State Forest land. Erek set up a pretty cool hammock with rain fly, the rest of us were in tents. It was misty and late, nobody felt like making a fire so we made do.
It was a good chance to get to know each other, everyone sat around the fire (lantern) drinking more beers and telling various college drinking tales and other fish-tales