options make for great... !? (and tho' not recent pictures, the status has not changed) *
* This is the earlier 6000lb Max C. I believe now they produce an 10,000lb Max C.
But I'll assure anyone that the 6000lb Max C. is rugged enough for 1/4 -1/2 ton trailers/operators/terrain.
The Max C. can be inverted or run as is intended.
So many options exist for leveling the ride height of the trailer/hauler.
The Max C. can also be modified to improve it's approach/departure angles.
action... (older video, but share the Max C.'s function/capability)
While a Lunette is acceptable offroad...
The Max coupler beats it in most everyway
when traveling off the beaten path.
My Lunette is the WWII Lunette
(skinny neck)
So it's not an easily obtained Lunette, nor cheap to purchase.
(if you can find one).
My lunette is mounted simply as back up to my Max C.
(not likely needed)
But it's integral with keeping my M100 trailer's originality.
I do recommend as did a prior user
that if using a 1/4 ton Lunette, the Pintle hitch need be 5 ton or smaller.
A well matched fit is critical to ensure the proper function-fit of Pintle/Lunette combo.
yep, I was bored