"The Oasis of my Soul"... a Lifelong Journey on the road...


Scenic WonderRunner

Good Stuff....Ara!

Keep Going!

We Appreciate it!:26_7_2:



Expedition Leader

For some reason I have been overlooking this thread. I am very sorry for that. Your trip through Texas took me back. I have spent a great deal of time down near Ft. Davis. I watched the HET being built over a couple of years. What a wonderful machine! I looked through your blog and I am truely motivated to start eating better on my trips. Thank you for taking the time to doccument all your wonderful times.


Arriving, Tybee Island, GA

Thanks SW... Eating better!!! Yes... I just have had an ultimatum that I have to do even better... everything is to high in their numbers suddenly even though that runs in the family... One of my last pleasures left... food... and that has to be modified even more...

Arriving, Tybee Island, GA
Spirit and I rode a bit yesterday on the Island, dog owners… beware as they do not allow them on the beach, truly a disappointment. The fine is $200+… will deal with that situation.
And of course I will accept my mother anyway she comes!… as she disagrees with my Lifestyle, Path, Journey… you name it! But that is nothing new… I am just trying for her to use the word “could” instead of “should”!!! We are picking up a car today, even though, just one time I wish she would sit in the sidecar. That is not going to happen.
The skies have turned blue, uplifting for sure. This is not the “Lost Coast of California”, but it does has its own charm and Savannah I know has much history of its own. We will visit other Islands also… she is following my plans as long as she is well fed and gets some rest as she is still having a hard time dealing with the six hours time change.
You be well… enjoy your day.
Ara & Spirit


A ride through Savannah, GA


A ride through Savannah, GA

Yes, this is a real Police Station and the Chief of Police Parking spot… but he never showed up for the few minutes it took us to take some pictures. It was the only available parking space, I would have explained.
Beautiful day yesterday, gave Spirit a chance to play in the big dog run, much needed exercise as today and tomorrow the forecast is rain.
It is quiet here, getting caught up on the laundry, rearranging one more cabinet, bake some Treats and print some Art Cards for my mother who wants to send some to her friends… a good customer I have here!!!
Enjoy the pictures, there will be more as we are settling in nicely being off season right now.
Be well… Ara & Spirit


Savannah for real!GA


Savannah, for real! GA

We keep going to the enclosed fenced dog run. I just love taking pictures of Spirit clowning around and getting his much needed exercise. A bit hesitant at first, that’s me not him (!!!), regarding the behavior of the other digs present, but after talking to their owners all was fine, every one keeps an eye on them strongly.
Mother dropped off at a Mall… we went on again to Savannah’s Historical District and started playing with the camera mainly on one street only called “Jones St”… so many more… 24 square Blocks to be exact with 18 Parks!
Next we will be going to St Simon Island, Charleston… up and down the coast.
Enjoy, come and visit… we are here waiting for you!
Be well…

Ara & Spirit


The Oasis of my Soul


Colonial Faire & Muster, GA

An unusual event, for us anyhow. The 10th Annual Colonial Faire and Muster, reenactment day, a celebration of the founding of the Colony of Georgia at Savannah, on February 12th 1733 by James Evans Oglethorpe. Spirit and I rode there, pursuit by a fanatic reader hanging out of the window of a fast moving van… Mike Justice, “Driller” on the ADV Riders Forum… obviously a dentist… Great day… His presence in costume of the era added to our own day… On another front, great conversation, for the first time only since we have left, with a gentleman asking me “why did I bring a loaded gun (Spirit) to a Park filled with kids”… of course in the meantime so many of those kids were asking my permission to pet Spirit, and did! As he walked away shaking his own head in disbelief I wished him a great day. One cannot lead a horse to the water… right?
Enjoy the pictures… there will be more to come…
Be well
Ara & Spirit


The Oasis of my Soul


The rest of the weekend, GA

More pictures from the reenactment as the firing of the cannon is always a favorite… kids will be kids you know. Spirit did not like it too much as it was the first time he was in proximity of one. Tried to keep him away as much as possible…
I have been thinking about getting us a new buddy lately… much to think about, specially being the size of the sidecar. They would have to sit side by side pretty close. I even called “Friends Of Animal” in Kanab, Utah, which Spirit and I visited a while ago. It is a “no kill” animal shelter… we might stop there sometime when in that State… It is just a thought… I think Spirit would be real happy with a companion as also I would. Can you see two Pits riding down the road with helmets and Doggles on? Too much?
Anyhow… enjoy the rest of the pictures…
Be well… Ara & Spirit


The Oasis of my Soul


St Simon Island… GA

When we decided to meet (mother and I) in this area called the Golden Isles, GA, my thought were of small villages by the water, quaint and quiet… Comparatively we love Tybee now as we had a chance to visit St Simon Island (south) and also Spirit and I took a ride yesterday about 100 miles north of here. All are full blown cities with major traffic tie ups, 4 lane highways and the back roads which I found just a few are now rare.
The beaches are still quiet once into a State Park, it has been overwhelming besides those area.
I know that this is going to be a trend as it has also been these past months. Checking on what use to be free BLM (Bureau Land Management) camping near Moab, Utah, I am already discovering that they have become also rare as they are now charging $10 a night and limiting the stay to 14 days. Luckily we do have some info on remaining free camping on which we will establish camp very soon. Enjoy the “tour”…
Be well… Ara & Spirit

Scenic WonderRunner

Very Nice Ara and Spirit!

I'm Loving All of it!

Outstanding Pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wings:

Keep Going!

Aloha! .............Mark..............."SWR"



The Oasis of my Soul

Hi Mark... Thanks! Wonder if anyone from this board will be in Moab for the big 4x4 week March 15th... we will be there!!!

Is there a thread for it maybe?


Hunting Island State Park, SC

It is a fine Park well worth visiting with a beautiful Lighthouse and beaches, so serene and peaceful, specially off season. A day trip from Tybee Island, it was just Spirit and I and the camera. Found a great BBQ joint in Bluffton where actually they took care of “us” real well thinking maybe we had not eaten in days! Maybe my diet is working… not on that day though after a couple pounds of food!!!
They also have a campground for $28 a night… I am always wondering why these prices are soaring like mad as if the cost of fuel to get from point A to point B was not enough! One reason for always look for BLM land or National Forest as long as it is safe and free…
Enjoy the shots… Savannah again and Charleston are next on the agenda.
Be well… Ara & Spirit


The Oasis of my Soul


An afternoon in Savannah, GA

We keep going back to Savannah, after all, when was the last time we have witnessed a city built in 1773!… Quite a few moons ago. Busy on the weekend, much nicer during the week and much easier to find any kind of parking space. Our stay on the coast here is nearing the end, we are still planning to sightsee Charleston tomorrow as the weather has been awesome. It should be a nice ride with Spirit.
Sometimes I have a lack of words to express why we are on the road on this Journey, seems somehow that the images are a bit clearer now and that is the content of today’s Blog.
You be well… Ara & Spirit


The Oasis of my Soul


Charleston, SC

A nice 300 mile round trip to Charleston from Tybee Island, cloudy day, cool temps specially with much wind when coming back the same day. Spirit’s patience does not cease to amaze me as we did more sightseeing than dog walks on the grass… and then again the sidecar is his second home!
The Historical City is amazing with its ongoing restoration all approved by the Charleston Historical Society, down to the mortar used, door handles and every details imaginable. Beautiful houses, narrow streets and tour guides dressed from the past era.
One of the highlights was the “Three Dog Bakery” which you must visit if and when in the neighborhood… even if you do not have a dog!
With too many pictures taken that day, there will be a part II of the visit! Hope you enjoy it… we did.
Be well… Ara & Spirit


ExPo Original
Excellent Ara. :clapsmile

Charleston is the jewel and the heart of the South. The food, the architecture, the history, the gardens, the southern accents, the coast.... One of my top 3 favorite cities in the US.

But I'm with Mom, you can have my share of oysters. ;)


The Oasis of my Soul

You are too funny!!!...


More of Charleston, SC

Thinking back I cannot decide which was the highlight of Charleston! The Historical City or the “Three Dog Bakery”? Spirit thinks it is the Bakery… of course. Yes, those are made for our buddies… can you believe it? More pictures are on the Blog.
Our stay is coming to an end, today is the last day for our car rental, we will have a couple more days to reorganize it all before we head back to Atlanta where we will spend a few days regrouping. We will take a straight route to Moab stopping in Birmingham to visit the Motorcycle Barber Museum and couple other visits planned on the way. I know that we will arrive a bit too early for warmer weather, but I would like to witness the biggest annual 4x4 week planned in that area.
Enjoy the pictures
Be well and stay well… Ara & Spirit


The Oasis of my Soul


Lasts days on Tybee Island, GA

Bittersweet on this last day here. Excited about going back to Atlanta tomorrow morning, ride my old stumping grounds “The Georgia Mountains”… check out the old neighborhood where we use to live… have the camera cleaned professionally… Sad and thoughtful about my mother’s departure back to Munich, Germany. We have been a scattered family all our Life as much as we love being together. We probably would not know what to do if we all lived in the same town! Mother in Germany, aunt and uncle in Belgium, cousin in Ohio, aunt and uncle again in England, another set in Australia, my favorite cousin in Thailand… and the list goes on and on. And us?… roaming around… it has been hopeless.
We all checked out the Savannah Wildlife Refuge the other day, a well worth visit if you are in the area. Unlike us, try to spend the whole day, I know there would be no regrets.
Enjoy the Blog… we have to start packing…
Be well and stay well. Ara & Spirit

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