Trying to shake this hog down before the Sierra Nevada Challenge, took it on a mild trail yesterday to look for geodes. Nothing exciting and 4WD was barely required but I did learn my battery can't keep up with my winch any more, after 10 years of service it falls on its face after about 3' of hard pulling. I wanted to unearth a boulder in a quarry just to see how the winch rebuild went but i didn't have the power. I did learn i should have pre stretched the new line and should have wrapped it pulling a medium load. What i thought was a tight wrap wasn't enough to support the outer layer of line under load so it went straight to the drum. I pulled '90 feet of line and respooled it when i got home by pulling a Montero with the E brake partially applied.
It was super hot out in the afternoon, cooling system was just adequate. I couldn't run A/C on hill climbs but without A/C it did the job. It was only in the mid 100's but stagnant down in the valley, I've never seen the outside temp gauge climb so high (black bumper).
We did find some neat quartz geodes and there were a bunch of goldfish in the quarry lake so that was really neat. All in all I'm glad i i took the truck out otherwise i might have found the winch stuff out the hard way.