How's the tree? You hate it?
There's something wrong with me...I sold it about three months ago haha! It just sat around. I never really drove it, also I someone offered me $1500 over what I paid so I took it. Next truck will be a tundra, then I'm keeping both forever!
I love that truck.
I'll trade you.
I don't know what to say coming from you lol! How about we trade, you swap an LS400 engine in mine and I'll let you drive it for a week! Deal!
Glad this thread was brought back up! Lol
I was on my way home from work in the ole '81 and was thinking, "I need another one of these first gens that is completely stock and unmolested, just like Derek24's." I hope on ExPo when I get home and... BAM! I've been looking, but I'm nearly convinced that my '81 is one of the cleanest in the southeast.. I know of two other that are close to being as clean, one is actually a little cleaner and they would never sell them.
I think its a sign from the good Lordone for wheeling, one for sunday cruising.. (Though I've had my eye on a clean 60 that an "acquaintance" has & it may become my stock sunday cruiser)
The good lord is always there haha! I hear you, there are a couple around me very stock and clean and no one will sell them. I do not blame them as it would would take a lot to sell mine, both of them actually. I was telling me father in law, who is a chevy man, that these little Toyotas are investments, he quietly agreed lol! Thanks for the kind words.
Thank you! Ain't nothing better than Swiss cheese on a freshly BBQ burger!That thing looks like Swiss cheese. Oh wait no it doesn't. So much for that theory. I still love your truck.
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