The other wonder mechanical genius my 88 Trooper



went to do my O2 sensor on my relic, and had to do this to a wrench so I could fit the wire through and still spin the thing. a socket would not accommodate the wire. So out came a grinder after I decided which of my wrenches is less valuable .
...that's why you buy an O2 sensor removal tool. Most of the time an open wrench will just strip it.

Most mainstream auto parts stores loan them out as well.



Well POOP! :ylsmoke: oh well I got another custom wrench It will set right next to my wrench for adjusting distributors on a Chebby 305 :chef: . Theres so many fancy tools for doing 1 job, its hard to keep up with them all, i used the other end and its packed away . no worry about stripping it that way I hope. well if things go right I wont have to use it again


Well the weathers warmed up a few degrees and my house guest has left . Time to start back in on the mods. I started tearing apart the rear bumper and found out its a multi piece design SWEET!!!:wings:. So I dismantled it cleaned up the original bolts replaced the missing ones and now have the dimensions to build a bumper / tow point.:)

be791253-a59f-42b5-8f4c-3190e8b844c3.jpg this is how the center attaches to either side

center bolts.jpg and the center plate bolts to the subframe assy


right side stripped.jpg so after a few more bolts the side part is removeable

missing no more.jpg replaced the original bolts that were missing with grade 8 1/2 bolts. From there i can take my measurements and begin making a new system :chef:

And when under there i took a look at the underside . looks like new suspension bushings are called for
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i agree thats why i grabbed it, yes it does need some work but nothing that really scares me off. I hope that by simply going for a little here and a little there gets it done, up and running in a short time. As you can see I am not afraid to ask a stupid question , mainly to confirm what I already know but sometimes its what you dont know that can bite you:Wow1:.

More later today as i get into the job of the tow point


went and purchased the base material for my new rear bumper etc. and of course it starts snowing. heres a rough idea if you have any thoughts Nows a good time for me to hear them before i start in on it


started cutting metal the smaller parts will make frame brackets and end up being welded to the bumper parts and allow the entire thing to be dismounted, or modified

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Here you can see i'm almost done. I still have chain points ,plug plate ,paint, and drag points. But my back is killing me. I will be adding the two stock bumper bits when all is done.
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Still more to go , Dont you hate how when you finally get on a roll and then Bang dead stop . well I ran out of wire will venture out tomorrow and get some to finish this

how to back up.jpg

backed up.jpg

getting close.jpg




ill have to mount it to figure out where the winch mounts will go .. sigh as there are no trips planned i will leave it like this for now . I will have to drill larger holes for the chains to hook into . :coffeedrink::chef: I also have start cleaning my metal better in the future . these were second passes. failing to clean properly creates all the splatter you see which was cleaned off for my 3rd pass
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:) it's in/on all bolts connected. what a pain i missed with a set of holes and had to fill the holes by welding them full then redrilling in the correct place :chef: its a very stealthy improvement


I am new to this site, and i am loving what im seeing already. Lots of unique 4x4s here!! Love that you are running a trooper. Bumper turned out good!


Well as you can see in post 1 of this thread i was lacking a lot of depending on how you look at it necessitates or should haves for a rig that goes exploring . as i have my samurai which is great for day / single overnight trips but it lacks the size /comfort that this has. with this i can sleep indoors or out and carry enough gear to do an extended trip in a modicum of comfort. i am taking my inspiration from the bbc top gear guys. extensive exterior mods [suspension winch tires etc] from the Amazon show, the interior from the African Nile special and from all three guys :chef: The Dempster Highway to I hope South America will be done in this rig. :Wow1: by now in its life all the big issues are known and i can get parts for it with relative ease. As long as im proactive on my maintenance i should be able to double the life of this machine.:bike_rider:

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